My story.

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Asalam-u-alaikum sisters. How are you? InShaAllah I hope you are doing great. None of you commented my age except one! That one was not right but close.This is the last chapter of my book "Free". I had promised you that I would tell you about my hijab/niqab for example when I started it etc. And thats what I'm going to do. This last chapter is my story. I hope you enjoy.

I think you all know what my name is; but in case you don't, it's Meerab. Not Meeraab, Meerab. I love my name-or more specifically, the meaning. My name means, Flower of Heaven. That's where I got my user name :-). Now some of you might be shocked, but I'm only. . . .12 years old. Yup. I'm not lying. I didn't want to tell you because I thought that you might not read my book because I am so young, and that you might think that I'm stupid and I don't know anything. I am 12. I know most of you are older than me, that's why I didn't tell.

So anyway, back to my story, I am Mashaallah a proud niqabi. I was never forced. Ever. it was my choice. I started my niqab when I was 11 and a half. Now i'm almost 13. In fact I'm turning 13 in a few days. It has been almost a year and a half since I started the niqab. My mom did - still does- the niqab, and she inspired me to do it. When I looked at how beautiful it looked, and how much respect she earned by wearing it, I wanted to do it immediately. I started doing it, and never even thought of stopping. I loved it. I still do.

When people heard that I do it at such a young age, they were shocked. They thought that I was forced since my mother does it. I reassured them that it was my own choice, but some still found it unbelievable. I feel extremely proud that I have the ability and honor to wear the niqab, especially while living in a non-Muslim country where my appearance is compared to a ninja.

I have met many people who say that they could never do it. People ask me questions like: "How do you breathe with that thing?" and "Can you see?". And these are Muslims I'm talking about. But there are also those people who ask: "Do you like to do niqab?" or, "Isn't it hard for you? Don't you feel bad when people call you a ninja?". And my response?: "I love to do the niqab". "I don't feel hurt or bad when people give me such comments, because I don't care what they think. I only care about what Allah thinks, that's all. Allah has told me to cover myself, to protect myself. I am following His command. BUT, I am doing it by choice."

Girls at my school look at me and ask me about it. After seeing that I am able to do it, they feel like doing it too. Another reason I love the niqab. It inspires people. And I encourege them.

I had a friend. My best friend. She was a year older than me. When it was obligatory on her to cover her body and head, she did. She wore a hijab and jilbab/abaya. This became obligatory on me as well a few months later. But I did the niqab as well. When she came to my house, I influenced her to start it as well. I could see that she as well was shocked that I being a year younger than her am doing it. I talked to her and told her how amazing it is. The next time I met her, she was a niqabi. I was so happy. I had convinced her to preform this amazing act. And it was her choice wether she wanted to listen to me or not. And I am glad that she chose to listen.

The niqab also has it's perks you know. When I go to the mall and it's crowded, I don't get squished. After looking at me, people literally clear the way for me. I feel like royalty;)

And the most fun part of the niqab? The reactions. Yes, I know that negative comments are given, but, there's other's too. When a little kid sees me they say: "MOM! Look! It's a ninja! A real ninja!". This is mostly little boys. Or,"Mommy, what is she wearing?" and their mothers say "It's in their religion. it's their religious dress." That's the response I love. But some even say: "Shh! Be quite!" they whisper. They think I feel offended. But I don't. It's a child's mere curiosity. Obviously he or she's gonna ask because they normally see girls wearing tank tops and shorts. Imagine how you would react if you saw someone you wearing a niqab for the first time, while living in a western country. You're first thought should be something like: "what is she wearing?!" Or, "I didn't know people celebrate halloween in July...." I get it. There's nothing to be offended by.

Honestly, my niqab is now a part of me. If I ever walk out of my house without it, I feel like I walked out of my house without clothes. I feel exposed. I feel incomplete. Like something's missing. And every time I wear it, I feel beautiful. I feel like a diamond. All wrapped up, protected securely. I feel like no one can touch me. I feel as if I now have my shield on. I feel closer to Allah.

And that sisters, is my story. I hope you enjoyed!

I'm gonna miss your sweet comments and sincere votes! And your interest in my book!

Jazakallah (thank you) so much. It really means a lot. I hope you liked this book, and benefited from it. And I also hope you think that it's good enough to share with others.

Keep Smiling! :-)

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