Chapter Five: Craziness

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Sassy awoke with a start to yelling. She jerked her head up just in time to see Diego leap onto Manny's back in a panic, startling the mammoth which caused him to jump up and hit the tree the opossums and Ellie were hanging on, sending them falling into a huge puddle of water at the wolf's paws. She was instantly splashed, water soaking her thick coat and jolting her all the way awake. She stood, shook herself out and growled over at Diego. The water had sent him into a frenzy and her wet fur and wake up call was the result.
"What's happening?" Ellie asked in quiet shock.
"We over slept. We need to move now." Manny said.
"What if we're the last creatures left! We'll have to repopulate the earth!" Eddie panicked.
"How?" Crash asked. "Everyone's either a dude or our sister or....," he glanced at Sassy who glared down menacingly at the marsupial. He nervously giggled and gulped. "Yeah Just our sister!" He said. Sassy snorted and looked up as Sid came walking through the woods.
"Oh hey! Hi guys! Wow what a night, you'll never guess what happened to me!"
"I'm going to go out on a limb and say you were sleepwalking." Diego suggested.
"Oh no I was kidnapped by a tribe of minisloths!"
"That was going to be my second guess."
"And they worshiped me! I'm mean yeah sure they tossed me into a flaming tar pit, but they worshiped me!" The sloth said excitedly.
"Sid you were dreaming! Now come on the waters rising faster than we're moving." Manny said and he, Diego and Sassy began walking with Ellie and the brothers close behind.
"Minisloths? He's had some crazy dreams but that's just odd." Sassy said, shaking her fur out again. "By the way thanks for the dousing Diego." She grumbled.
"It wasn't me who doused you. But that was just an accident." She looked at him.
"I do believe you're getting jumpy there tiger. According to some guy I know Saber's don't feel fear." She said. Diego didn't say anything. "Don't let your pride get in the way Diego. Pride is important to animals like us, but wolves know when something else takes precipice over it. I admit I feel fear. I feel it every time one of you guys is in danger. I felt it when I had to make decisions for my pack and I didn't know how it would turn out. I was afraid when facing your pack, because in the end I wasn't sure if we were going to make it out alive, but more importantly I was afraid because I didn't know if you were really on our side." Diego looked over at her and smiled.
"You're only a little over two years old? You're much wiser than your years Sassy. I'll try not to be so stubborn." She nudged him in the side and grinned.
"Thanks tiger." They continued walking and were soon bombarded by a flock of vultures singing "Food! Glorious food!" All because Sid had to open his mouth and wonder what they were thinking. The song finally ended with the herd in a pile at the end of the hill hanging off a tree.
"There. Now you know what they were thinking." Manny told Sid. They untangled themselves and continued on their way. Sassy padded along until she felt someone at her side. She looked up to see Ellie, minus her brothers for once.
"Everything ok?" Sassy asked.
"I was just wondering how a young pretty wolf like yourself ended up with those three." Ellie said. Sassy laughed out loud.
"It's a very long story that we'll have to tell you when this is all over. Bottom line is though, at the end of the day, they were the best friends and family I had ever had. They had my back, and in a wolf pack, it's every wolf for themselves. It's like that with sabers as well. Even as alpha, my job was to protect and make decisions for the pack. No one looked out for me, had my back. My wolves trusted me with their lives only because I was alpha and it was my job. I couldn't trust any of them with my life." Ellie's face sagged.
"That's so sad. And these boys are your family, for real?" Sassy nodded.
"I'd give my life for them, and I know any of them would do the same for me. It's very nice to have the company of another female though." Ellie giggled and Sassy smiled. It was good to talk to someone of her own gender again, even if that someone had thought she was a opossum less than 24 hours earlier. It was still a nice change from testosterone and male thoughts and conversation. She inwardly cringed and shook her mane.

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