The Mysterious Caller:

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  • Dedicated to Knight Rider 1982, Glen A. Larson

The phone on Devon's desk began to ring and since Bonnie was left to fill his place, she decided to answer it.

Lifting the receiver to her ear she sweetly greeted the caller, "Foundation for Law and Government. How may I help you?"  

A cruel voice answered, "this isn't Mr. Miles. Is it?" 

"No sir, it is not. This is Dr. Bonnie Barstow. I'm filling in for Devon while he is at a meeting. May I ask who is calling for him?" She replied patiently.

A laugh rose from the other end of the line as the other answered, ", that is okay. I'll try again later.  I'm sure Devon and Michael would want to hear what I have to say. I want to tell them directly. Thank you, Miss Barstow." 

Something didn't feel right about the call or the way he laughed. There was something sinister about the whole thing. It felt as if she knew the voice from somewhere.... but where? Leaning back in the chair she tried to work out the mysterious identity of the caller but nothing seemed to fit.

When Devon returned a short time later, Bonnie informed him about the strange caller and that the man had said he wanted to speak to him directly.

The suave and dapper Englishman's grey brows furrowed and his eyes studied the brunette mechanic standing before him.

"And he didn't give any indication as to what he wanted?" Devon prompted for clarification. 

"He said he wanted to speak to you and Michael directly....but other than that, he didn't say much else," Bonnie answered.

"It could be just about anyone, Bonnie. When the person returns the call, I'll be sure to catch the name. Thank you for covering for me and don't give the matter much thought. I'm sure everything will be fine. You can return to the garage if you'd like," he added reassuringly. 

"Alright, Devon," she replied with a sigh. If Devon wasn't worried about the phone call, then she wouldn't dwell on it any longer. 

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