Chapter 8

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Y/N wrote the note, she wrote it all quickly and made sure the words were specific enough to make sure this happened correctly.

In order to stop Natasha from hurting, she needed to let go of Y/N. Which meant, someone would have to go, and Y/N would rather die before she let Natasha.

She called an old boss of hers, one who she had worked a job for and asked nothing in turn but a favor. "I need you to help me disappear..."

"What can I do?"


A few days passed and it was time. It was time to put the plan in action. Y/N played it off, acting like her old self and making sure no one would suspect anything. She planted the note somewhere only Natasha would find.

She couldn't afford to have anyone else there but her.

Y/N told Steve that she was headed out to buy a few things for her room now that she had that freedom. Steve agreed, having finally trusted her enough to leave the Tower without supervision.

She walked, finding the place she knew she needed to be. She shook hands with he man she'd worked with all that time ago. "Code word?" He asked.

She told him simply, "When I say 'shadow' it. Is everyone in place?"

He nodded and checked the time, "Any minute now. You should head up now." Y/N nodded and gulped.

"Thank you."

"It's my pleasure."

Y/N headed up to the building, heading inside and getting to the roof of the building. Right on time, her phone buzzed.

She sighed and picked up, her voice shaky. "Hi, Natasha."

"What are you doing? Get down from here!" She yelled.

Y/N shook her head, looking at Natasha at the bottom of the building as she looked up. She stood across the street, watching.

"I can't, Natasha. I can't do this. Not anymore." Y/N told her.

Natasha spoke in a calming voice, "Look, Y/N, we can work this out. We can do this together."

"No, Tasha, we can't. I've hurt you to much and in order for that to stop happening, one of us has to let go. And I'd die before I let you."

"Y/N, please." Natasha told her, taking a step closer, her voice shaking terribly and cracking here and there.

"No, no, no, please! Stay where you are! I'm sorry, Tasha. For everything.'s time for me to become one of the shadows."

Y/N looked down at the bottom of the building and sighed before she hung up the phone and threw it behind her. She closed her eyes and jumped...

Natasha covered her mouth, a scream leaving. "Y/N!" She saw Y/N fall, but her view was blocked, a small building in front of the building Y/N had jumped from.

Natasha ran toward her, tears in her eyes as she did. Distracted, a man on a bike accidentally headed in front of her. She stopped quickly, just barely being hit. "Are you okay?" The man asked as Natasha continued running.

A large crowd of people swarmed around Y/N's body, their chattering loud as they surrounded her. Natasha tried to get through, but people were holding her back. When she'd finally got passed, she saw Y/N's body on the ground, surrounded by blood, the limbs placed in uncomfortable positions.

She covered her mouth and tears streamed from her eyes freely. She was taken away by a swarm of people, dragging her away from the sight and somewhere else as an ambulance rushed in, getting people away and taking care of everything.

Natasha carried herself away, going back to the Tower quickly. When she'd gotten back, she was greeted by the team's smiling faces.

When they saw the state of Natasha they all asked, "Woah, woah, woah. What's happened? What's wrong?"

"Y/N...she...she." Natasha couldn't get the words out, not wanting to say the words she'd never want to hear. "Y/N's dead."

Everyone's taken back by this news. Clint went to her, hugging her tight and trying to soothe her, knowing nothing could.

"How did this happen?" Steve asked, wondering how all of this could have happened. "She jumped. This is all my fault!"

"This is no one's fault!" Clint said, kissing her forehead.

Nothing could remedy the pain Natasha felt. She cursed herself for becoming so caught up in someone so quickly. She had become the spider caught in someone else's web.

This was not supposed to happen.


Y/N stood at the top of the building. She threw her phone behind her as she got ready to jump. Below her, there was an inflatable pad being blown up at the bottom. The man gave a thumbs up and she jumped, falling to what Natasha assumed was her death.

"Y/N!" She had screamed. Y/N fell on the giant pad and her ally's men helped her off the pad, moving it quickly to get it and her out of sight.

The others who were playing 'Distraction' held Natasha off as long as they could, getting the pad out of the way so she couldn't see.

The job Y/N had helped her ally out with a long time ago was one where he was intending on killing her. There was a woman who'd look way too much like Y/N who was trying to infiltrate their company and expose them.

When he'd hired Shadow, he thought they were the same person, only to find out that they had ended up being doppelgangers.

Y/N had taken her out and her ally had a friend who could help them get the body who would serve as her body double.

A man on the roof threw the body down right above the same spot Y/N had fallen. The people crowding the corpse did their part, splattering fake blood to make sure it was believable.

By this time, Y/N and her ally had snuck away, getting into the ambulance, disguised and grabbing the corpse, loading it into the ambulance as Natasha was being pushed away.

They had gotten away successfully. They took the body to the morgue for everything to be examined so the body posed as her. Afterwards, her ally had taken her to the airport, the first flight to Paris.

She shook hands with him before turning and entering the airport with the bags she'd brought and the tickets her friend gave her. She was out of New York City in no time. Out of Natasha Romanoff's life in no time.

Y/N went from being known as Y/N L/N, the Shadow.

To being known as Y/F/F/N Y/F/L/N, the Phantom.

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