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  An engagement party is being held tonight for Hoseok and his partner. This is where the two will meet for the first time as well. For Hoseok, he feels nervous because he knows if anything goes wrong, then there is no future for him because his parents will take everything away. Hopefully tonight at the very least everything will go as planned like it is supposed to.

  Since there will be cameras and reporters everywhere tonight, Hoseok has been told to dress in formal attire. His outfit consist of a white undershirt and a red long sleeve dress shirt. He has on nice black slacks and black dress shoes to match. His black hair is parted in the middle that gives off a care free vibe. If it were up to Hoseok, he would wear something less formal, but the raven knows better than to test his parents.

  Hoseok knows there will be many more instances where he gets to see his future husband, but he would have liked it if their first time was more private because everything will be fabricated because of the image they have to sell. Perhaps the two can see each other later this week to get to know each other better. . . or maybe the male wants to see Hoseok when it is unavoidable. . .

  "It might be nice to have a friend. . ."


  The party is being held in a really nice hotel. As soon as the car pulls up to the parking lot Hoseok can tell that there will be far more people than he was expecting. If anything, this makes everything more unsettling because one mistake can cost him dearly. His parents have not spoken much during the car ride except for reminding Hoseok the rules he is to abide by, such as introducing himself when necessary, to not drink any alcohol, to keep eating to a minimum to not draw attention, and to not make a fool of himself.

  Hoseok knows all too well to not do these. He knows very well what will happen if he breaks one of the rules. Hoseok likes to think though what would happen one day when he no longer has to live in this constant fear of being the perfect doll. Hopefully there will be a day when that dream becomes a reality.

  "As soon as we enter, we will meet the other family and have dinner together. Afterwards the announcement will be revealed and you are free to mingle. Just remember who you are representing." His father stated clearly and quietly as they entered the building.

  "Yes sir. I understand."

  The place looked nice from the outside, but it is far more beautiful and extravagant inside because of the decor. There are chandeliers, fountains, and the floors and walls are made of marble giving off an elegant scenery. The venue where the party is located is even more fascinating because there are so many people dressed in beautiful dress and handsome men wearing their suits and ties. It is a little overwhelming for Hoseok who is not used to this upscale place.

  Almost immediately there are people who come up with cameras and ask to speak to know what the special night is for. Apparently they are speculating that the companies have decided to merge together after many years of debating, and while they are not wrong, there will be more than just the companies coming together tonight. Hoseok's family dodged the question effortlessly and make their way over towards the other groom's family.

  "Good evening! It is nice to see you again Jeonki." Hoseok's father greets a person who seems to be the father of the other groom.

  "You've finally arrived Heojoon! Just in time to for dinner. It is great to see you and your wife here tonight. Is this your boy?" He referred to Hoseok.

  "Hello there sir, my name is Jung, Hoseok and it is a pleasure to meet you." The male happily greeted Heojoon while bowing.

  "What a well mannered boy you got there. Wish my son was just as respectful as you are. Maybe you will teach him a thing or two."

  "Is your son with you? We'd like for the two to meet properly before the big reveal happens." Hoseok's mother chimes in.

  "Of course! Right this way. We have been waiting all day for this moment!"

  Does 'we' include his spouse? Does that mean Hoseok was not the only one looking forward to this moment? This feeling of hopefulness feels too good to be true. As much as Hoseok wants to believe this is going to turn out well, his gut is also telling him he is not ready for what is about to happen. And he is right to assume so, because who would have guessed his future husband was him?

  "Hello, my name is Min, Yoongi."


  To say Yoongi was happy about this forced marriage is like asking if it is right to take candy away from a baby. Yoongi does not deserve such a cruel punishment. Yoongi has never done anything wrong. He was raised in a wealthy household, but he was also raised to be humble and respectful. He was never a prodigy in school, but he still did maintain above average grades and was able to get into a good college with no worries. His parents never did anything to upset him, and Yoongi never did anything to upset them.

  At least. . . until a few months ago when the news of his forced marriage came to the table. It was random to say the least because all his life his family never once pushed for him to get married. The company was not even going to be handed to him when his father retires, it will go to his older sister because she went to school to pursue that career, Yoongi did not. His parents say they understand how Yoongi feels about this predicament, but if they really did, then they would not have forced him to get married!

  The excuse is that her sister is already engaged and that is bullshit in Yoongi's eyes because he was too! His beloved girlfriend of three years is supposed to become his wife, not some stranger! The worse part is that Yoongi is not even gay! There is nothing wrong with gay people in his opinion, but there is a problem when there is a forced marriage with a gender he is not even attracted to! What even is the benefit in this marriage?

  Apparently this marriage is supposed to bring the companies together, but then it should really have been his sister and this man! Yoongi cannot wrap his mind around this one because there is obviously another motive to this marriage that no one is telling him! His sister mentioned that it is unfair, but will ultimately not defend Yoongi because she does not want to be tossed into this mess either.

How are they supposed to have children? What will the world think? Sure, Yoongi is open to a gay marriage in general, but the whole world is not. Yoongi will be called names and viewed differently even though he is not gay! Yoongi is only twenty-seven-years-old and he was looking forward to a life with his wife, not his unwanted husband. Yoongi does not understand what he did to end up in such an unfortunate situation.

This marriage will not happen. Yoongi knows that this will ruin any chance of the companies combining, but he does not care because why should he when his own parents do not care about his feelings? Yoongi is going to be petty throughout this entire ordeal as well. Yoongi is willing to cut off all ties with his family because of this and what better way than to waste their money on such a grand wedding that he will not even attend? His partner deserves to be embarrassed for all of this too in Yoongi's eyes.

The plan is to play along up until the wedding day, and then vanish to leave them with the mess. If this is how his family is going to treat Yoongi, then best believe Yoongi will show no mercy. Yoongi wants to have a marriage where he is happy and is not forced into such a life changing choice. The man might be a kind man, but Yoongi does not care. This marriage is by force, so there are no hard feelings anyway.

  Yoongi will marry his girlfriend, Yuri. They have been together for so long and are happy with each other. They may have had arguments in the past, but none were as serious as the one about this marriage. Yoongi thought she was going to leave him, but thankfully they were able to work out the situation. They have made arrangements and are planning on getting married shortly after this mess blows over.

  "Hello Yoongi, my name is Jung, Hoseok. It's nice to see you again."

I'm so excited to be writing again! While the story is similar I have changed some major scenes and I hope everyone likes them! Also sorry this was supposed to be out earlier but I honestly forgot and just woke up randomly remembering lol. What are your thoughts so far?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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