Chapter 29: Louis freaking Tomlinson.

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Eleanor's POV

"What's the matter?" Zayn looked at me.

"They're coming." I squealed in pain.

"What is?"

"The babies god damn it Zayn get me to the hospital!" I felt another sharp pain as he lifted me up. He grunted a little bit. I calmed down a bit, "Are you ok?"

"Yes I am fine. Liam! Niall!" he shouted. They looked from me to Zayn. It's kind of awkward when Zayn is carrying his best friend bridal style. Not to mention she is pregnant.

"Get Louis and Harry. El and Lou's babies are coming!" They went wide eyed but scurried away to find them.

He set me in the back of the car with Niall too. I payed no attention to anyone else the entered my view as I desperately tried to count. I wasn't going through as much pain now. Then my contraction started again, only three minutes apart. They werer coming quick.

"How you doing, love?" Zayn looked in the rear view mirror. I was now doing some deep breathing during contractions and nodded my head. "about two more minutes hang in there babe. Except this is way worse than what I was told. My mom, told me when I found out I was pregnant that it hurts when they are actually coming. It's like ripping a huge ass hang nail from your finger but from he waist down. This pain however was unbearable from my boobs down.

I stared out the window, grasping Niall's soft hands. The leaves blew in swirls at the park. My heart is kind of like a leaf. It gets blown around without out falling but changes what it wants the like the changing of colors. Eventually when it cant hold on anymore, it falls. Some hearts are lucky, but others aren't so much. They get stepped on, torn. But the best ones however, go through the tearing and stepping on, and manage to hold on to find something better. I have been stepped on, torn, blown around in tough winds but here I am engaged to Louis, and having twins. Ha- that rhmed.

"We are here." Zayn and Niall got out of the car and lifted me up once again. I breathed heavy again while walking in. Liam got out of the car, Harry stirring a little but Louis just waking up.

"We need a room for her she is about to have twins." Niall spoke.

"Ok take her right down that hallway I need one of you to fill out information on this young lady." Liam raised his hand and I was put in a wheelchair to roll down the hallway with Zayn and Niall.

Louis' POV

"Stay here Lou,  you won't miss anything." Liam promised. 


"Eleanor J Calder." Liam responded. I wiped my eyes and  pulled Harry to the chair.

Where was Andie?!

"Harry, is Andie coming?"

"I um... dont know." he yawned.

"I'll call her." I grabbed my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and dialed. "She is not freaking answering. I am calling Danielle." once again it rang but this time she did answer. "Hey Dani it's Louis, we need you to pick up Andie, grab Gabby, Nick and Tommie if you'd like and get to the hospital. I was passed out with Harry but El went into labour. No nothing has happened yet just hurry. Thanks, bye."



I grasped her hand tightly, not knowing what to come of it. I looked at all of the doctors frantically. She was screaming in pain now, ten times different from about an hour ago. They babies were not on their way, and the doctors talked about a surgery of some sort.

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