Chapter Eight (Kissing and Dissing)

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I wake up to find Luke gone but that's not what's get me, what gets me is the shouting from downstairs I get up and make my way downstairs where Ashton holds Luke back and Michael holds back Calum "How could you!"Luke shouts "IT DOESNT MATTER WHY!WHY DID YOU DO WHAT YOU DID!?"Calum shouts back "LET ME GO!"Luke shouts at Ashton "Mate calm down"Ashton tries to calm Luke but I know I'm the only one who can I walk over quietly "Luke?"I pout "Ty,Please tell Ashton to let me go so I can beat the crap out of Calum"he replies the anger coming off him "Let him go"I bite my lip "Ty!"Calum shouts "Ty I don't think that's a good idea"Ashton says "If you want to prove which one of you is in love with me more... fight for me"I said "Alright 3,2,1"Calum and Luke are let go and Luke immediately pins Calum down and Punch's him square in the jaw I'm not stupid I won't actually let someone get hurt "You can stop"I say Ashton pulls Luke off Calum. "Now which one of you is going to tell me what's happening"I take control "I think I will"Luke snaps at Calum "Ty...Calum had sex with Ali"Luke replies my mouth falls open "Luke kissed her!"Calum shouts "She knows"Luke replies "Ty please I'm sorry"Calum begs "I don't want your pity because I pity you"I snap and run upstairs and see Ali listening by the stairs "You little-"I don't get to finish before a hand is over my mouth and dragging me away I am put into Luke's room and I now realize Luke had me. "Why didn't you let me kill her?"I ask "Because I know you would regret it,like I regret punching Calum"he looks down "You regret punching Calum?"I ask "Yeah I mean...he's my friend,he's like my brother"he replies...I'd never thought of it like that...

Hey what's up so sorry about the last few chapters because my phone autocorrects Calum to Calums it annoys the crap out of me but what can you do anywho I love you guys who are reading and yeah BAI

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