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T'was Valentine's day when I rushed through the door panting, all sweat-up and dressed inappropriately to our company's occasion. Then, suddenly, I was stars trucked when I saw her. She had little make up on her face, wore a simple shoes and an ordinary red dress. But I can't take away my eyes off of her. Very silly indeed. My heart was trembling so fast at that very instant. She was simple. Simple yet made her very special in a way. She was simply stunning. And she said:

"Oh, you came back on time?"

"How was the interview and all"

But I just uttered some words.

"It was nerve wrecking."

But all in all I was just starring at her blankly.

We only have known each other for more than a year now. Looking back, which reminded me, on our first time being grouped together in the company, we didn't start as friends. Just as colleagues as you may say. We had our little share of annoyances with each other. But nonetheless, it surpassed. She is a woman of great conviction and firmness. So as to speak, she was a hell of a woman that would kick your butt off when you rain on her parade.

Months passed by and suddenly discovering her little by little. I thought I wouldn't get along with her because of what people say about her.

I would hear them saying,

"she's tough, she's arrogant, she's a pain in the ass..." and more.

But as I have observed her, it turned out to be the other way around. All the negative things I heard about her was all untruthful. Little did I know that as days go by, talking to her and discussing things beyond our work made me discover what kind of person she really was.

After sneaking to dead hours on our shifts in the company, we would talk about my ill-gotten unfortunate destiny about love. She knew my ex- girlfriend. She knew about us, and how tormented I was with the break-up. She knew that I had given all my life for the sake of that love. She knew that I had cried a million tons of tears for that love. She often teased me nor made silly jokes at me just to make me feel comfortable. Everything she said had marked positively.

We got along so well, that we even shared stories of our lives with each other. A deep connection that I, too, didn't expect quickly to happen. I healed along with her. Those pieces of shattered dreams and my soul came back. Yes, I came back to reality. I came back with my old self again. I came back.

My heart was healed.

My soul was healed.

My life came back.

My smile came back.

And most importantly, the dead poet in me have risen again to regain itself from drowning.

I would hear a voice at my window pane saying;

"Goodbye, are you not going home?" she said. Starring at me from afar.

That was her line every time the clock ticked at 12:00 noon or 5:00 in the afternoon.

She always had that big vibrant smile that would greet me. It was a daily routine that sometimes made me long for it.

She was a kind, killing too good to be true woman. Very sweet indeed. She made me special in away.

"Do you have a Facebook account, Mam?" I said.

And then she just nodded, as if she doesn't want me to add her on Facebook. But before I asked her about her account, I already knew she had one. But she rarely posts. Then had an idea of connecting with her through messenger. Yes, I did! Texts was not enough I guess.

I started to stalk her on her Facebook account. I simply can't get enough of her. After that, I would sneak unto the window to have a little glance of her as she passed by the corridor. Her hair that was neatly combed and had a little trademark pin on the right side of her hair, her expressive eyes that twinkles like a morning sunshine, her lips that reminded me a little of Angelina Jollie's killer lips, and her killer posture that made her more sophisticated.

"Oh, God! Is this really happening to me?"

"Why would I wait for her and sneak unto her?"

"Am I dumb or dumber than I thought about myself?"

At night I would ask myself.

"I think I like her."

"But, I really like her."

"Damn! Yeah, man you like her so much."

"Am I really talking to myself like this?"

Most of my sleepless night was talking to myself denying that I like her and convincing myself that I like her that much at the same time. Yeah, I did like her. And it came to my conclusion that the feeling was real. I am not imagining like drunkard.

"Should I tell her?"

"Wait, if I tell her about my feelings what will be her reaction?"

"Is she going to be mad or what?"

I told her through our conversation that I am admiring somebody. She even asked me about her.

"Wait, why are you just telling me this now?"

"You never mentioned that you had a crush on somebody?"

"Do I know her?"

"Describe her to me."

"Is she from around here?"

And those words came out from her, never had any idea that the girl I am mentioning to her is "her".

After our few chitchats, so as to speak, I made a decision. Yeah I fucking told her that I like her. That I had a crush on her. No, not crush really but I like her to the moon and back. She just didn't know that the words "crush" and "like" would really mean "I love her".

She just laughed.

"Are you crazy or nuts?" she said.

And I just told her.

"I really like you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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