1. The Contrast

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"Oh Lord Krishna! Save me from the devil," a girl whispered to herself. Her hands were joined in prayer and she stood in front of a cabin. The door, which led into the cabin, held a board stating CEO. The girl was Naina Sharma, the secretary to the CEO of Kapoor Mills. It was her routine to pray before entering the cabin, no matter how many times she did.

Naina completed her prayer and pushed open the door. She was immediately met by a pair of glaring eyes. She shuddered and entered the room. The CEO leaned back on his chair and said, "I didn't know Miss Sharma that you can't  understand what is being said to you. I had clearly mentioned that I should not be disturbed. Isn't it?" Naina nodded. "Then why are you here?" asked the CEO in a raised voice. 

"I am....I am really sorry, Sir. Actually Sir....that....I...call...," Naina failed to form proper sentences. "Stop stuttering, Miss Sharma, or you may resign." Naina drew a deep breath and spoke, "Sir your father had called. He wants you to be at home by nine in the night. I just wanted to inform you that. Sorry sir." She left the room and thanked God for coming out alive.

Kapoor Mills was a business unit which was established some four years ago. The brain behind the business was of Mrs. Malini Kapoor. She was a widow and lived with her husband's younger brother, Mr Ram Kapoor, and his family. Her husband, Mr Avinash Kapoor, had died on the battlefront within an year of their marriage. Moved by the hardworking handloom workers, she decided to bring them together under one name and help them to gain the market they deserved. When her nephew, Sameer Kapoor, finished his course in business management, she appointed him as the CEO and thus Kapoor Mills came into existence.

Sameer Kapoor was known as ruthless man among his employees. He was undoubtedly a good businessman. The business had definitely grown but his reputation among his employees had gone down. He was feared by one and all. Anger was always on the tip of his nose. His eyes had a fierce fire that could burn you from just a look. His words were like a two faced sword which never saw good. the way he walked, moved his hands, even the blinking of his eyes said one thing - the man was made of wrath.

Kapoor House

As the clock struck nine, Sameer entered the house. It seemed as if his entire demeanour had changed. The ruthless businessman now looked like a meek personality. His gait no more showed anger but his submissiveness. He looked around as if searching for something. His eyes held nervousness and he made his way towards his father's room before he was interrupted by his mother, Mrs Gayatri Kapoor, a woman in her late fifties. "Everyone is waiting for you in the dining hall. Freshen up and join us," she told her son lovingly. Sameer nodded and soon joined his family for dinner. 

As he served himself, Sameer asked his father, "You wanted me to be at home early today. Is everything alright, Papa?" His voice was laced with some fear but none in the family noticed it. His father, Ram Kapoor, was in his early sixties. He had retired from a private company and now helped his son and sister-in-law in business. He said, "Malini Bhabhi has found you a life partner.

The effect of these words was instant. Colour drained of Sameer's face. He looked from his father to his aunt. His aunt smiled at him. She was approximately sixty and had an authoritative personality. She said lovingly, "Have your food first then I will tell you about it. Come to my room later. I also have to discuss something related to business." Sameer nodded and everyone focused on their food.

Approximately an hour later, Sameer entered his room. The room was coloured in black. The walls were bare. As he closed the door, tears escaped his eyes. Gone was the strong man, it was now time to cry himself to sleep.


So how is it?


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