Happy Birthday Maddie

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June 30th, 2015

Is it possible for time to both slow and speed up at the same time because if it is than that’s what I want to happen right now. The day started off with such great promise I mean it’s not everyday you turn seventeen right?

Waking up just a little bit earlier than usual, six, not seven, so not much, but still excitement there was. Reaching for my phone cause yeah I have a problem, I can admit it. My name is Madison and I am addicted to my Iphone and all the social media’s that come along with being alive.

As I scroll thru my texts I see the usual from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday, hoping I have a great day and the such. Continuing though I feel my heart drop, the one person who I knew would be the first to wish me a happy birthday has yet too.

Maddie calm yourself, I’m sure she tweeted you your birthday wishes. Yeah, that’s it she tweeted it to me to satisfy Rick. But no. Nothing. No missed calls, no message on Facebook nothing. This can’t be right? Okay maybe she’s still asleep, I mean I know she had a late drive last night to make it back home so yeah I’m sure that’s it, she got home late, went to bed and she will wake up and send me a text or better yet call or Skype.

With my new found resolve I untangle myself from my sheets and begin to ready myself. I can smell breakfast being started so a quick shower and away with the day. After the usual singing, breakfast, cake and of course presents I can check my phone and no surprise, more birthday wishes but yet still not the one I’m waiting for.

“Madison, sweetie is everything okay?” I look up from my phone to see my mom staring at me with worry written all over her face.

“Yeah, I’m fine… It’s just…” Looking down I let out a sigh and then raise my eyes to meet my mom’s again but I don’t have to finish my thought she does it for me.

“Sweetie there is no way she has forgotten your birthday. She loves you too much, don’t worry.” I can’t help but worry I mean, she is always the first to wish me anything. She was the first to wish me Happy Birthday since we’ve met and the first to check on me whenever Jake pisses me off, the first to wish me a Merry Christmas, ever since we met she has always been the first. The second it struck midnight I would get a text and then the next day a call. Like clockworks but not this year. Not the most special of years. This year we are not Maggie and Maddie best friends we are Maggie and maddie girlfriends and nothing.

“I know it’s just…” Again I leave my sentence hanging because I’m not entirely sure how I wanted to finish it plus the look in my mom’s eyes tells me its okay to let it hang.

“Come on sweetie, we have a full day planned and waiting for her to call will just drive you crazy.” She puts her arm around my shoulder giving me a little nudge, I smile and away we go.

I’m spending the day with a group of friends from school. The day goes really well and for awhile I even manage to forget what it was that was so heavy on my mind, for awhile but not completely though. Everyone once in awhile I would check to see if had missed the notification that I am now desperate for, but to no avail.

It really was a lovely day mostly spent at the beach. With the sun setting I finally part ways with my friends and head home for the traditional Cabello birthday dinner. Walking in again I am met with a house filled with yumminess and I hear my stomach rumble. Funny how that rumble brought a smile to my face, that rumble reminds me of Maggie and how every time she hears my stomach rumble she smiles, she smiles because during our first ever make out session my stomach rumbled and now that’s all we think about when my tummy talks. Walking into the kitchen I see my mom and sister, Taryn putting the finishing touches on dinner.

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