chapter 1: the first day

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before we start, here are you quick details about your character :)
you're y/n y/l/n
you're a lesbian
you're 17
you're (whatever your real height is)

it's 7 am, your alarm starts croaking for you to awake from your slumber. you groan as you turn it off quickly, sitting up slowly and wiping away the drowsiness on your eyes.
you grab your phone from your near by nightstand,
texting your mom,
text convo:
mom <3:
hey ma, just woke up (:
Okay, breakfast will be ready soon!
okay, thanks
You're welcome, sweetheart. ❤️
*end of text convo*
you get up and start raiding your closet, finding something nice to wear.
a few minutes later you've got your outfit together,
a cropped light grey tank top, some light washed ripped jeans, a flannel to go over your tank top (so you don't get dress coded), and some black, plain converse. you get dressed. you decide to put your short/long hair into two dutch braids.
you watch downstairs.
"Aw look how beautiful you are!" your mom shouted. your cheeks turned rosey pink from happiness, "haha thanks ma" you smile at her.
"look, i've made you some pancakes, chocolate chip your favorite of course!"
"YUMMM!" you yelled.
"y/n, inside voices, please" your mom said softly
"sorry ma" you said, looking at her.
you sit down at the table sliding over your delightful plate of pancakes, digging in immediately.
after about 15 minutes of you and your mom eating and talking, you finish up and put your dishes in the sink. "i'm gonna go finish getting ready quickly, we gotta be there in 15 minutes" as you speed walk to the bathroom. you brush your teeth, and coated your eyelashes in mascara and your lips in lip gloss.
you've never been the type to wear makeup but today you decided you'd go a little out of your comfort zone, you've decided you wanted to try and get a girlfriend since you're at a new school, might as well try. you spray a bit of perfume on, but not enough to drown yourself in it. you walk to your mom "i'm ready" you say with a sweet smile.
"Okay." your mom says softly. you grab your back and walk out to the car. you've always wanted to drive to school by yourself, but you've never gotten to it to getting your license.
*skip to when your mom drops you off at school (laziness)*
you open the car door "bye mom, love you!" you smile as you grab your bag and get out, looking at the building in front of you. wow you thought. you start walking up to the front office, "hey! i'm y/n y/l/n, i'm new, and need my locker number and combo, and my schedule, please."
"yes, gimme a second" as she starts searching through her files
"ah! there you are, my name is Mrs. Linda, if you need anything ask me." smiles while handing you your folder of stuff.
"thank you" you say with a soft smile and walk off.
you start walking to your locker and opening it, setting the books and folders Mrs. Linda gave you.
you start placing everything in while the passing period before classes goes back, as you feel a tap on your shoulder. you're startled and jumped a bit, being nervous since it's your first day, you turn around.
"hey!" a sweet voice said. "sorry to startle you"
"no it's oka- WAIT, aren't you maihua lee off tiktok?" you ask in shock.
"aha yeah that's me, crazy that you recognized me." she laughs a bit.
"yeah, i never you lived here but never knew you went to this school, that's so shocking."
"yeah, but hey wanna be friends? since i'm guessing you're new you don't have many." she says nice and softly.
"sure" you say with a huge grin.
*bell goes off*

authors note:
hey guys! this is one of my first stories so pleaseeee don't bully me.  i hope you guys are being safe during this outbreak! i've been bored so i decided to write, so i'll probably end up writing the next part right now, because i have nothing else to do. <3

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