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Prowl was at his home. He was sitting on his berth and reading a book. And then he felt something weird. He looked at his round stomach and just rubbed it.

"I'm not supposed to be in labour yet..." he muttered.

Prowl was nine months sparked. It wasn't the time yet, but "that day" was closer and closer. He knew it and was ready to go to the hospital any time. But someone was missing... The father of his child... Prowl didn't want to talk about him with anyone.

Father of Prowl's sparkling was called Echobolt and he was a policeman too. He was killed in shooting when Prowl was six months sparked. From that day, he didn't speak to anyone about his mate. Echobolt really loved Prowl, and Prowl really loved his mate. They always wanted a sparkling and when they finnally had it, Echobolt was so happy.

Two days before shooting they went to the doctor and found out that they are having a mech. One day before shooting Prowl and Echobolt were thinking about name for their sparkling. And in the morning of the next day, they finally decided. Echobolt wanted his son to be called Chromedome, but Prowl wanted him to be called Tumbler. So they decided to give him those two names. And at the evening phone called. Someone told Prowl that his Conjunx Endura was shot and died on place.

Prowl fell to pieces. He didn't want any help. He just hoped his sprkling to remind him about his mate. Tumbler Chromedome... Beautiful names...


Prowl woke up in the middle of the night. He was feeling strong contractions in his stomach. He knew that it's the time. His things were packed. The only thing left was to call the hospital. And Prowl quickly did so.


Prowl never thought, that labour will hurt so much. He was crying, holding nurse's hand. He really missed Echobolt. He was screaming for Primus to help him.

Prowl was really scared because he was alone and in pain. He missed Echobolt so much. He missed his strong arms, he missed his beautiful, orange optics, he wanted him to be there, at the hospital.

"Why does it hurt so much?!!" Prowl cried, hugging the nurse. This poor, young mech was really confuzed.

"I-I'm sure that you're doing g-great, mr..." he said, patting Prowl's back.

This all took fourteen hours. Prowl thought that he won't take it. But he did. Unfortunately, his son was born barely alive. He wasn't breathing and no one knew, if someone is able to save him. Prowl couldn't see him, because he passed out. He was tired and terrified. He didn't want to loose his son too!!

Prowl could see his son after few hours. They saved his life. Prowl was told that his son is still really weak and that he didn't even cry. But Prowl cried, when he saw Chromedome. He took after Echobolt so much... He had the same audioreceptors, looking like cat ears. Prowl stayed with him almost all night.

The next day Prowl could finally see Chromedome. One day old sparkling was crying so much. He was really hungry. Prowl could finally hold him and feed him.

"You're beautiful, little one..." he whispered, kissing his son at the forhelm.

Chromedome had beautiful, orange optics. They looked just like Echobolt's ones. Prowl cried every time, when he was looking at his son's face. He was crying because he missed Echobolt and because he had a beautiful sparkling with him.

"I wish you could see him now, Echo..." he whispered, looking through the window.

Taking care of a little sparkling alone was really hard. But Prowl had some friends who could help him. Chromedome needed some time to recover. He was a really delicate child. Prowl always kept him warm to not let him catch a cold. He was an overprotective father. And he knew, that he's going to be like that for a long time.

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