Cold Soba, duh.

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  Well, what now? I might've gotten ready a bit too early.. Eijiro thought sheepishly as he looked down at his bag. Well, kinda ready.
  "Oi!" a familiar voice called nearby. It was his cool and hot friend with the white and crimson hair, gray and turquoise eyes. Flagging down a street vendor.
"Which one should I get for a mother's birthday?" he heard him ask. The question gave Eijiro a sudden pang. Shoto quickly paid and doubled back, bouquet in hand.
  Eijiro meant to call out to him but he felt sort of undercover, with his 'new/old' look and was deciding whether to out himself or..
  "Is that Midoriya? No way! Hey, bro!" Eijiro called out before he could decide not to. Izuku flushed red and Shoto seemed to be knocked off his game.
  "Am I.. interrupting something..?" Eijiro asked with his sharky grin.
  "Wuah?! No! Hi! and Izuku works just fine!" His response was met with two skeptical sets of brows. "Shoto was just helping out, these are for my mom, yeah?!"
  Shoto offered in a bored tone, "It's Izuku's mother's birthday soon. He just came out from making a reservation." He gestured toward the restaurant doors.
  "Oh, tell her happy birthday for me! How have you been?! How long are you back for?"
  "Not for lon-"
  "He's staying." Shoto answered over Izuku.
  Eijiro looked curiously at them both. Izuku with reddening ears and Shoto as cool as a cucumber.
  "Well, sweet. I'm actually going out around here with Katsuki later, if you guys want to join after.." Eijiro extended out of habit but was immediately taking it back mentally.
  Izuku looked a little put out. He mentioned he'd probably be ready to rest after dinner, having just flown in and all.
Embarrassed, Izuku explained that he hadn't eaten since mid-flight and that they were now looking for a quick lunch spot. An enthusiastic Eijiro led the way.

  "This place is cool!" Izuku praised a seemingly floating light orb as they checked out a modern establishment.
  Shoto was admiring the light's reflection in Izuku's eyes when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder.
  "Could you hold my bag for a sec? Gonna dip into the restroom." Eijiro handed over his store bag.
  Peeking in, Shoto thought to himself, the white one, before turning back to Izuku.. now scrutinizing over the menu.
  "Ugh, we should've just headed straight to lunch.. I could've called in the reservation. Now I'm practically just eating down here back to back.."
  "You'll be fine," Shoto offered, "Just have something light so you can still eat later."
  "What are you ordering?"
  "Zaru soba, obv."
  Izuku couldn't help but giggle at Shoto's delivery.

  "Oh! and Kirishima! are you Black Riot now?!" Izuku asked passing a hand through Eijiro's hair. Eijiro fought back a blush while the smallest sound escaped his throat - he quickly passed it off as a joke.
  "Ah yes Izuku, that's the spot. Also, Eijiro works fine." he teased.
  "S-sorry! It's just that it's so nice a-and soft!"
  Shoto took a piece of his own hair and turned it between his thumb and forefinger.. he frowned but no one noticed.
  "It's just for the weekend." Eijiro struggled to say in an even voice, why is it that when it's somebody else touching your head - it feels so f*cking good..
  "Ah. So, um, do you see Kacchan often?"
  Eijiro straightened up, then deflated again as he answered, "I'd hope so, we're living together."
  Izuku tensed up and Shoto tilted his head to the side.
  "What?" Eijiro's eyes scanned from Izuku to Shoto.
  "What's your plan for when the lease is up?" Shoto asked plainly.
  Both Izuku and Eijiro wondered why this was on the tip of his radar, "I'm not sure, actually.." Eijiro answered, even more deflated. Their orders came and they ate in thoughtful silence.
  Izuku's mom called to say that her and Mitsuki were on their way, and they arranged for her to stop by Shoto's car to pass over the luggage - Shoto's suggestion.
  "The bill is on me, thank you guys for hanging out. It was good to see you both!" Izuku hopped off his stool, grabbing the flowers.
  Eijiro said thanks for helping him kill time, though he was still awkwardly early.
  To even his own surprise, Shoto offered for Eijiro to finish getting ready at his place. "Really? You're close by here?" Both Izuku and Eijiro echoed similarly.
  "Yes." Shoto answered, not sure which pair of eyes to address.
  "That's so cool, man! That'd be a great help, could I take a shower there, too?"
  Shoto didn't necessarily mind, but he didn't want Izuku to think that he was friendly with just anyone.. but by the same token, he wanted to ease off any residual awkwardness since their encounter at the airport.

  Yeah, that's me, super cool.


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