Day One - Nature

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John hummed softly as he picked up a couple of flowers, handing them to Alexander. "For you, my lovely,"

Alexander chuckled softly and took the flowers. "Thank you," He hummed, pressing a kiss to the shorter boy's forehead.

"You're welcome," John smiled, as he sat down on the bright green grass, starting to make a flower crown.

Alex laid down next to him, starting at the clouds and the bright blue sky.

"Ya know.. I've been wanting to do this for quite some time now." Alex said, glancing over a John.

"Oh?" John questioned, still working on his flower crown.

"Yeah. We should do this again, but instead, we should do a picnic!" Alex suggested, looking back up at the sky.

"I'd like that.." John smiled.

Alex simply smiled.

Once John finished the flower crown, he handed it to Alex. "Here!" he smiled.

Alex sat up and took the flower crown, then kissed John's cheek. "Thanks, sweetheart.."

//Im far behind lmao

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