Part 38

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Jimin's POV

It happened in a swift.

I didn't remember how it went, but she suddenly appeared so irresistible to me.

My eyes flickered down occasionally to her lips throughout her cute explanation, and by the end of it, I couldn't help myself anymore and made my move.

I wrapped one arm around her waist pulling her closer, my other palm cupped her jaw, and I kissed her.

It only lasted for a few seconds, but she seemed to be frozen, making me cut the kiss short.

Well, thinking back, maybe it was more to a peck than a kiss.

Because there was no tongue involved, based on the definition given by our leader, Namjoon.

"I tried hard to hold myself, but it's your fault for being too cute," I whispered after I broke away, but stayed close, arms and palm still on Y/N.

I didn't feel like letting her go yet. I liked having her in my arms. But it seemed to be too much for her.

She scrambled away from me, breaking my hold on her, and stood up from the couch.

"I'll be in the kitchen to - to make the warm milk. Bye," she ran off and I just stared at her silhouette until she disappeared behind the kitchen door.

Letting out a breath, I ran my fingers through my hair and thought back to what I did earlier.

'What if she freaked out again?'

The thought flickered in my head and I was remembered the time when she did the same thing at the old dorm.

Worried about her, I walked up and trailed her steps into the kitchen slowly, planning to peek at how she's doing in there.

And I was glad I did.

I witnessed the reddest face of hers since the first time I knew Y/N. Redder than the time at the dorm. She seemed to be fanning herself to cool down the heat on her face, breathing in and out to calm down her heart, but still tried to concentrate on warming up the milk as she said earlier.

As I entered the kitchen, she turned her face away from my sight to hide her face that she didn't knew I had already got a good look at.

And captured in my phone.

I walked up in front of her, cupping her cheeks to look up at me and I smiled at the still red face of hers.

"Did the kiss happened too fast for you? I'm sorry," I apologized for taking her by surprise.

"I, no, that's not it. I-It's just that, that was my first, and I just don't know how to react," my mouthed hung open at the info, not expecting to hear that from her.

Plus, her voice was so slow that I almost missed it, but I thanked goodness that I heard it due to the silence around us.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," I spoke out, feeling apologetic that her first kiss was taken away just like that by me.

"Of course you wouldn't know, I would never tell you about it before, but now you're my boyfriend. I think you should know," she whispered out, eyes still not meeting mine and cheeks reddening again.

"Will you give me another chance?" I asked, and she finally looked at me, wondering about the sudden question.

"Another chance?" she asked back.

"To give you a better first kiss," I said, and she blushed. But her words next made me happy.

"That's not needed, my first kiss was you. That's already the best first kiss for me," her voice came out not louder than a whisper, but I heard her clearly.

"Well I want to be better than the best, so please forget about the kiss just now and let me do it properly this time" I stated stubbornly, and ducked down to smash our lips again but was stopped by her hands on my cheeks, preventing me to advance closer.

"Why did you stop me?" I questioned.

"Must we do it now?" she shyly asked, and I just smiled at her cute behavior.

"Yes. So just relax and follow my lead," I demanded and pulled her face closer to mine and kissed her again.

She froze again at the beginning but I calmly moved my lips against hers, letting her to get use to it slowly.

Her hands that was once on my cheeks were now resting on the base of my neck and my shoulder respectively. I could feel that she was starting to relax and letting herself go into the kiss.

Removing one of my hands from her jaw and moved to her back, I felt her breath shuddered when I traced her spine with my fingers before resting on her waist.

My palm that remained on her jaw was now caressing her neck and I peeked to her face for a second to see her eyes shut closed, putting her whole trust on me with this.

I wanted to taste her.

Following my heart, I moved my hand from her neck to the back of her head, grabbing her hair slightly hard in my fingers, making her gasped at the sensation.

And taking the chance, I kissed her deeper, immediately tasting her. It got heated as Y/N surrendered without fight under my lead, her hands clutching tightly on my shirt as I got wilder.

She tasted so good.

Occasionally, as I explored her mouth, Y/N let out such beautiful sounds from the back of her throat. It made me felt a sense of proudness that I was the first to hear the sound coming from her. That I was the first to make her made that sound.

And it made me wanted more.

As the result of my greed, the kiss got dragged even longer and deeper than expected, as I abused her mouth with my tongue.

"Mmph -!!" Y/N breathed out heavily after I finally broke away.

Her head fell weakly and rested on the crook of my neck, her legs had already gave away and she collapsed her body on mine, not being able to support herself to stand anymore.

I took the time to recollect my breath too, and my brain just managed to process that I had went too far into the kiss.


I lost control.

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