Mall Adventure

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Melissa's POV

I walk outside with Nina and Rebecca the first time I was outside in the front the house or more like huge hotel was big and sprawling, if I remember correctly Justin said there was over 350 rooms. The house had a Victorian look to it and had a huge gorgeous fountain out in the center of the wrap around by the house. There was easily two 50 car garages on either side of the house and about 30 cars parked up and down the driveway. We walked up to a huge black Hummer. I got into the front seat and Rebecca got into the back, Nina jumps into the front seat and starts the truck, turns up the heat.

"Ok chicks what music do you want to listen to." Nina asks as she plugs a iPod into the radio.

"You listen to paramore?" I ask.

"Yeah what song?" she asks smiling.

"Renegade." I reply.

"Awesome I like that song too." Rebecca says.

Nina turns the music on and put the truck in gear pulls up to the huge security fence that stretched around the entire compound, Nina jumped out of the truck and puts in a pin in a keypad and the gates open. She jumps back in and waves to three guys who were guarding the gate. she turns the music up.

We sing along with the song, Nina turns into a gas station and parks in front of a pump.

"Got to fill up this gas gussler up and get me some smokes anyone need anything?" Nina asks.

"I need some cheyenne cigars." I reply.

"since when do you smoke?" Rebecca asked with a shocked expression on her face.

"I used to a lot but quit for awhile, when I feel really stressed out I want one." I reply.

"Ok hun what flavor." Nina ask.

"grape and can you get me a lighter." I ask with a smile.

she nods her head and and put the gas nozzle up after hearing the click letting her know the tank was full. She grabs her wallet and goes in to pay for the gas and smokes.

"Are you sure you know what your doing, there is no way the guys are going to be happy with you smoking." Rebecca asks concerned.

"I am I full grown woman and if I want to smoke ill smoke, but thank you for your concern." I reply.

"Just trying to help hun." Rebecca says.

Why did I feel this overwhelming emotion of hate and anger, I feel like I'm having a massive mood swing. I'm biting everyone's head off. Grabbing my phone I check the calendar, im not pmsing so why do I feel so bitchy. To busy thinking about why I'm being a huge bitch monster I barely hear Nina calling my name.

"Melissa, you ok hun, been trying to get your attention for the last 4 minutes." she asks looking at me with a worried look.

"Sorry just thinking." I reply take my cigars and lighter from her.

"Here I bought us all hot chocolate." Nina says passing everyone cups of coco.

We continue our way to the mall jamming to music and talking about nothing to important. I seem to calm down some after I smoke a cigar. We pull into the mall parking lot. We were lucky and found a spot near the front. We got out and walk into the food court part of the mall.

"Feels so good to be out and about." I say.

"I bet, well anything you guys want to do we will do it." Nina says smiling, but her smile turned to a scowl when a a group of tall good looking built men start walking our way.

"Stay beside me and whatever you do don't drawl attention to yourself." Nina says pulling me to her side and Rebecca went to stand some what in front of me.

"Well hello there Nina, ready to stop all the female fighter stuff and mate with me." says a deep voice.

"You know damn well that your not my mate shawn, now leave before I get hold of Justin and tell him your stating shit on his territory." Nina growls.

"Now love that's not nice, we were once very good friends." Shawn says.

"That was until you dropped out of our pack to be a rouge, and killed our friends." Nina says clenching her fists.

Just then I got a huge sharp pain that was radiating from my lower left side of my abdomen and shooting up my left side and across my stomach, I grab my stomach. I drop to my knees in pain wrapping my arms around my stomach, on my knees biting my lip to keep my screams of pain in. Through the pain I hear.

"Well what gorgeous creature do we have here." Shawn says.

For the first time I look up to see myself looking into eerie glowing orange eyes.

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