The Phone Call

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I was walking around waiting for people to come listen to me and Kaitlyn; when this weird kid wearing a David Bowie shirt busts in.

"WHERE IS GOLDEN FREDDY!" He yells. A girl then walks in and grabs his arm.


"Ashleigh I NEED him!" Jakobi yells at her.

"IM LEAVING YOU FOR GOLDEN FREDDY! I WILL NEVER LET YOU HAVE HIM!" Ashleigh yells at the boy. They both get dragged out by security. Jakobi crying over Golden Freddy.
I walk into the kitchen to see Goldie shaking under a table.

"Halp...meh...pls..." he whispered to me while shaking. I then turn on my heels and abscond out of the room; leaving him to deal with his own problems. ~time skip~ I walk back into the room to see that we finally have customers at our stage. I run up and flip onto the stage -which gets some cheers- and sit down in front of my drums. We played a few songs; such as (insert emo songs here) and the crowd of emo lil shits loved it. ~baby time skip~ Every one was out of the building and all animatronics were on "night mode" when, I herd the boss talking in his office on speakerphone.

~le phone call~
Phone dude: hello sir I'm here to discuss the disappearances of many employees
Boss: What disappearances?
Phone dude: Sir 70 of your employees at Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria have gone missing in the last 4 Months. HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE THAT?!?
Boss: Dunno.
Phone dude: Well, it doesn't matter what you say. If there is any evidence that will point to this place being unsafe, IT WILL BE SHUT DOWN! See you tomorrow!
*call ends*

I look over to Kaitlyn and whisper "we're fucked".

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