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Mina loved space.

It all fascinated her. The worlds, the moons, the discoveries that came in from the immense telescopes and satellites that surveyed the expansive cosmos. Outside of Heroism, it was one of the things she had considered doing with her life... Before realizing she couldn't even begin to comprehend the Maths required to actually contribute in any real way. She was happy enough learning about the new discoveries though, and letting her imagination run wild with the possibilities.

She imagined an entire solar system full of people, space stations and O'neill Cylinders and all manner of other developed artificial worlds, all settling all over the solar system and contributing to a growing federation of Humanity.

The idea of being a Hero in that sort of society was something that caught her imagination immensely. Would there need to be dedicated space-lanes that Heroes would need to use to bypass other traffic in the system? Would there be a need for space-specialized Heroes? Would Quirks have to be taken into consideration when choosing which Heroes could go into space for those sorts of roles?

It was something that she spent a whole lot of time thinking about in her free time. Even in her non-free time. More than once, her daydreaming in class had gotten her caught off-guard by Aizawa when he called her out for staring aimlessly for minutes at a time - In some cases, apparently barely blinking. She couldn't help it. Her brain just ran off on it's own and took her concentration with it.

Over the course of her second year, she followed a story called 'Project Cloud' - It was a big space project. Incredibly historic.

The first cloud city on Venus.

Society had stagnated for centuries in terms of technology and social progress because of the emergence of Quirks, but in the last century and a bit, progress had been made rapidly. Fields like robotics had come a long way, as has environmental engineering - Structures like I-Island were proof of that.

Now, a huge step forward was being taken - An established floating city colony was being constructed and lowered to a stable altitude within the planet itself.

There were a hundred reasons the students at Yuuei didn't plan on doing anything major for such a historical moment though - Growing tension within the realm of Heroism, general exhaustion, in some cases, apathy to the whole event, the incredibly late time this would be happening at, and this wasn't the first space thing that had occured over the last centuries. Space stations and moon bases, and orbital colonies were around Earth all the time. It was unique in that they were attempting to bring this particular colony to a planet, but that was about it. It wasn't as significant as something like the moon landing, or the moon bases or the first orbital colony. It was still significant, and Mina knew it would be talked about and played on the news for months after.

But she wanted to see it happening live.

The live broadcast was to begin at 3AM Japan time - The operation was being conducted by a European organization, so it was more in line with European general timezones. It was still late over in the region, but Mina could already guess that there would be street parties from London to Berlin to Athens. She would've loved to have been part of those herself if she'd had the chance

When the time eventually arrived, she snuck out of her room with a pair of earbuds, and made her way to the living space of the dorm, where the large TV was located - She wanted to see this in as much detail and glory as she possibly could - They were sending footage to Earth from a completely different planet for God's sake, that had to be worth seeing in as high definition as possible!

She made her way to the living room, careful not to wake up anyone else. She struggled to understand how anyone could sleep through this though - It was a freaking floating city on another planet - How was this not a bigger deal to them? Everyone was working insanely hard because of the growing problems with Villainy, sure, but still! She was going to be exhausted in the morning but there was no way in hell that it wasn't going to be worth it!

Izumina Week 2020Where stories live. Discover now