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"I'm sorry I chose that movie. It was awful," I apologized as we made our way down the street, the stores not even catching my attention as I was completely focused on Adam.

Adam grinned. "You know what would have made it better?"

"What?" I asked, my interest piqued.

"If Edward and Jacob got together."

I laughed, nodding in agreement. Bella wasn't my favorite character, anyways. Sorry, Bella.

"If you had to choose, who would you rather date?" he asked.

I thought for a moment. "Jacob, 'cause werewolves don't suck."

Adam burst into laughter, showing he got my pun. We walked in silence after that, each of us enjoying each other's company as we came to the street the candy shop was on.

"Let's buy something," he said, holding up the door to the shop. I smiled, walking in. The sweet scent of chocolate and sugary treats hot my nose, and I was greeted by the young cashier.

Adam followed me towards the back of the store, where it was more private and we could look through the packaged sweets they sold in bundles. There were mint chocolates, chocolates with almonds, walnuts, cashews. The selection was vast and I found my mouth watering and my sweet tooth waking up.

I grinned when I saw a small table with different kinds of chocolates laid out, a small note with the words Free to try! written in neat, cursive writing. I couldn't help but wonder why it was hidden in the back where the cashier couldn't see.

I picked up a milk chocolate, turning to Adam. "Any allergies?"

Adam raised a brow. "Not that I know of."


I stepped towards him, holding the piece of chocolate to his mouth. Adam parted his lips, catching my fingers and I let out a gasp as his tongue licked a trail, sucking on them before he pulled away.

He grinned, chewing the piece of chocolate happily. He acted as if he didn't just suck on my fingers, as if he was the innocent librarian everyone thought him to be.

We ended up buying a bag of milk chocolates since they appeared to be Adam's favorite. The cashier didn't even bat an eye at my flushed expression. Instead, she looked at me with a knowing smirk.

The audacity of some people.


I made my way towards the library after bidding Katy goodbye. She had some things to do, and despite how much I prodded to find out what, she had refused to tell me. She had been acting secretive lately, and it was getting on my nerves.

So how do I settle my anxiety?

I pay Adam a visit.

Charlotte greeted me as I passed the checkout desk. She wore a knitted sweater and was smiling more than usual, which said a lot.

A student was checking out a book before school was officially closed for the day. I waited for them to leave before I made my way to the shelves where I could hear Adam sorting through returned books.


Adam jumped as I skillfully appeared, giving him the biggest smile I could muster. He shook his head, chuckling as he calmed down.

"You shouldn't scare an old man like that," he scolded, but the tone of his voice told me he was being playful.

I shrugged, grabbing at the end of my sweater as I shifted from foot to foot. After what happened between us on the weekend, I didn't know how to act. Questions were coming by the second, and I couldn't stop myself from wanting answers.

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