Yandere Alois Trancy X Reader

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(Author-Chan note: Sorry this took so long but I had a writer's block. As usual all the characters do NOT belong to me whatsoever. This story may include some violence/ gore/ swearing, you know the stuff you'd usually expect from Yandere stories, maybe some lime. Hope you enjoy it, loves!)
"(Y/N)!" An excited voice squealed rather loudly. You looked up from your book to look at the rather excited blonde. Elizabeth let out a rather loud giggle before glomping you.
"Yes Lizzie?" You asked, desperate to pry her arms off of you so you could breathe.
"I'm so happy!" She hugged you even tighter.
"I-I can see that. I-I can't breathe though!" You struggled to say. She finally loosened her hold on you and you took in deep breaths of the oh-so-needed air.
"S-So what are you so excited about Lizzie?" You managed to cough out.
"Oh today I get to go see Ciel!" She cheered, a happy grin spread out on her face.
"Ah that's nice to hear." You picked up the book that had been dropped by the previous "hug". 'More like strangling. She must be trying to kill me.' You chuckled at your own joke.
"And you're coming with me!" Lizzie suddenly said.
"Why?" Well it's not that you weren't excited at the thought of seeing a certain bluenette. However, you weren't too enthusiastic of possibly seeing his "friend", if you could even call him that, again. That certain blond-haired boy by the name of Alois Trancy always creeped you out. He had such a sickingly-sweet voice and his eyes always seemed to focus on you from day one. Shivers went down your spine at the thought of him. 'So creepy.' You thought.
"-So let's go!" Elizabeth brought you back from your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, what?" You looked into her green eyes.
"Off we go!" She grabbed your (S/C) hand and began to pull you away from the chair you were previously sitting in. Then she proceeded to drag you out of your manor and into an awaiting carriage.

"This will be so much fun!" Elizabeth said excitedly, moving around in her seat with giddiness.
"Yeah..." You murmured quietly. 'What if I were to jump out of the carriage? No it wouldn't work, Lizzie would just drag me back into the carriage and to the Phantomhive residence.' Sighing, you continued to look out the window at the passing scenery.

Finally, the moment you've been dreading arrived.

"Ciel!" A loud voice echoed throughout the Phantomhive Mansion. Elizabeth went running to look for Ciel as you hesitantly stepped into the house.
"Hello, Miss (L/N). Always nice to see you."
"Hello Sebastian, nice to see you as well," you greeted the devilishly handsome butler. He cringed at the loudness if Elizabeth's voice as it echoed down the hallways.
"Sorry for intruding and Elizabeth," You apologized to the butler, bowing slightly.
"Not an issue at all." He sweetly smiled as another loud squeal of excitement reached your ears.
"I hope you don't mind that Sir Alois is here." You froze at the mention of his name.
"N-No it's not an issue at all," you said, trying to prevent yourself from just running back to the carriage and screaming "ADIOS BITCHES!" And taking off to never come back again.
"I'll take you over to the study then, where everyone is at." Sebastian spoke up.
"Y-Yeah." You silently followed him down the hall, fear evident in your (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N), nice to see you again," Ciel greeted you as he desperately tried to pull Elizabeth off of him.
"Hello, Ciel," You replied, giving him a shy smile.
"(Y/N)." A familiar sickly-sweet voice called out to you and you slowly turned your head in the direction of the owners voice.
"H-Hello, Sir Trancy. N-Nice to see you as well," you gulped. A dangerously teasing glint glowed in his ice cold blue eyes as they bore through your vibrant (E/C) eyes.
"I told you to call me Alois, (F/N)~"
"O-Oh sorry. I'm just not quite used to it yet." You nervously chuckled.
"It's okay." He came up to you, giving you a hug from behind.
"I'll get you to call me by my name soon enough (Y/N)-Chan~" He whispered into your ear, in a even sweeter tone. You shook visibly as you pulled away from Alois.
"H-Hello, Claude," You greeted the second dashingly handsome butler.
"Hello, Miss (L/N)," He simply said with somewhat of a smile.
"(Y/N) Are you up for a game of chess?" Ciel questioned, with a knowing smirk. You being the genius you are, have always been good at chess, so whenever you were at the Phantomhive Mansion, Ciel and you always played a few rounds of it.
"You already know the answer to that, Ciel," You replied with a smirk of your own. Thus began the chess game. Throughout the game you felt Alois' eyes on you. Whenever you glanced back at him, he had a look of a predator about to catch its prey, and sent you a smile. You shivered each time.

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