1972 Snufkin x Female reader Part 1

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This was requested by pastry-doodles enjoy everyone!!! (The picture above IS NOT MINE!!)
You were a traveler, and this year you would be visiting a place called 'MoominValley'. This is a place you wanted to visit because you heard the residents there were really kind. As you strolled down the woods you admired the beautiful birdsong around you, and tried to play the tune on your lovely violin.As you played your guitar, you loved the rich aroma of grass and flowers.


After walking for a bit, you got a little bored of the silence, so you pulled out your violin again.(you played it wherever you went). You played 'skin' by Rihanna. When you were done, you turned around and saw a creature in front of you. It has paper white fur, a big nose, and azure blue eyes. It's gender,species, and name where yet to be discovered. "Hi, my name is Moomin, and your music is great!!!" Ok so apparently it was a male, and he revealed his name. Now for his species... "why thank you". "Hey, not to be rude, but what is your species?" "Oh I'm a moomin!" Interesting you thought to yourself. You started walking, and Moomin rushed forward to catch up with you. "So where are you from?" He asked. "I don't really know, I've been traveling for so long I can't really remember where I originate from". "What's your name? "Y/N". "Oh ok, so where are you headed then?" "To MoominvValley". "AWESOME , I LIVE THERE!!!" "Would you like me to there to visit everyone besides me?!" "Sure" you answered nonchalantly.

Much later, after playing your violin to Moomin,you two successfully made it to MoominValley,and Moomin's home. All the other residents introduced them self's to you, and they were as nice as people said they would be. So staying awhile sounded like a good idea to you at this point. You went outside to play your precious violin 🎻, when you heard the strumming of a guitar. Curiosity getting the best of you, you decided to check the beautiful sound out. Soon, sitting in front of you was a (handsome) man wearing a light brown hat, brown pants, a red scarf, and a yellow dress like shirt. (What is it called?!). You listened to him play his whole song. You had to admit he was pretty good too. You lightly tapped him on the shoulder after he finished. He slightly jumped and turned around to face you. His brown/black eyes bore into your (e/c) ones. "How long were you standing there for?" He asked shyly "Long enough to hear your whole song!!" "You're pretty damn good too!" "Thank you" he said blushing a bit. "So what's your name stranger?" "Snufkin". "Cool my name is Y/N"


After talking to Snufkin and getting to know him, he was a really cool guy. He didn't talk much, but that didn't change your opinion of him. It was night time now, so you set up your tent. Along with your sleeping mat, sheet, and pillow. You laid down, pulled the covers over yourself, and fell into a deep sleep.


You had been staying in MoominValley for a month, and you've grown closer to everyone. In this timeframe you also developed a huge crush on the quiet vagabond known as Snufkin. Today was the day you were confessing your feelings to him. You did hope he would take it well. You went to the first place anyone would think to find him. There he was, peacefully fishing. You dramatically gulped and thought to yourself: here goes nothing... You slowly walked over to him, and quietly sat down next to him. "Hello Y/N" "Hi Snufkin" you two sat in serene silence until you decided to break it. "Snufkin, I have something I need to tell you". "What is it?" "I like you, a lot more than a friend Snufkin..." "Y/N I....

Ha! Cliffhanger!, read the next part to see what Snufkin has to say!!!!! See ya later peeps!!!

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