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Hey all you Wattpaders again, this is even more ways to get kicked out of walmart and enjoy! Oh and HI!

107.  Go up to the bagel section with cream cheese all over your face. Then start chanting, “We love bagels! We love bagels!”

108. Over the intercom say there is a big sale on all items in electronics department and first 10 people to the check outs gets one item free… & see what happens

109.  Randomly start putting different size undergarments in peoples carts

110.  Contaminate the entire auto department by sampling all the spray air fresheners

111. Run through the store and jump on random peoples carts singing I KNOW A SONG THAT GETS ON EVERYBODYS NERVES!!

112.  Go up to random people and poke them. If they ask you what you’re doing or tell you to stop, tell them that you’re trying to find out what they ate for dinner last night

113. Do your American Idol audition in front of the security cameras

114. Get a marker & go over all the barcodes with a line then go purchase your items… the person who is serving you will have to enter all the barcodes in by hand

115. Go up to some of the customers while your carrying a paper bag and say “trick or treat!” and if they don’t give you anything, do the sad puppy dog face

116. Hide under a big pile of clothes and throw random objects at people when they walk by

117.  Get a stuffed animal and go to the front of the store and begin stroking it lovingly, saying “Good girl, good Bessie.”

118. Walk up to a pizza place and ask for a Mcchicken

119. Go to the bathroom with a cantaloupe (hidden) Make grunting noises and drop the cantaloupe in the toilet. Then say “Phew, That’s better”

120. Put blue paint on your hand and when you see someone put your hand on their shirt and point at them and say, “A clue a clue!”

121. Go to a clerk and tell them u lost your son and ask if they can call his name over the speaker! When they ask u his name make up a ridiculous name

122. Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters

123. While Humming the theme to Mission Impossible While wearing all black, knock over all of the cans

124. Take all the CD’s put them in the wrong place and when an employee puts them all back yell at her and mess them up again

125. Go to the front of the store in a baby diaper and ask a macho guy to change you

126. Take a friend with you and a younger child and start arguing over who gets custody then have the child run away and out of the store and yell CILLY COME BACK!!!

127. Stick your arm in your jacket and suspiciously start to leave the store. Get really tense and start to lean over as your walking through the doors As if your suspecting the alarms to go off. Then when it doesn’t go off, let out a big sigh. Then quickly look around you to see who’s watching and run away as fast as you can.

128. Balance EVERYTHING you see on the tips of your finger, your nose, your forehead, and the top of your head while singing the circus song.

129. Spend hours staring at a little blinking light. After a while, start saying blink everytime it blinks. Don’t look away, just stay mesmerized.

130. Light a match under a sprinkler

131. Walk up to someone and say “Oh, so your back for more. I warned you never to come back here. Wait here while I go get my shot gun”. Then walk away.

132. Buy something that is like $5 and give the cashier all pennies.

133. Walk up to a guy and say “Oh my god, is it you? Oh my god it is!!! I haven’t seen you in so long!!!!” Then kiss him. Then slap and him say “Why didn’t you ever call me??” Then walk away. Much more affective if you’re a guy.

134. Stand next to a maniquin and pretend that your a mannequin. Try to hold the same position for as long as possible. Then finally as someone is walking by, check your watch and say. “Finally, my shift is done. I really don’t get paid enough to do this”

135. Stare at the ceiling. See how many people look up.

136. Start singing oldies songs in to megaphone.

137. start hitting on the mannequins.

138. Super-glue a quarter to the floor and count how many people try to pick it up.

139. Switch the price tags with something expensive and something really cheap.

140. Put women’s clothes into men’s carts.

141. Put preppy stuff, like short skirts and whatnot, into old men’s carts when they aren’t looking.

142. Run around in front of a mirror screaming “COPYCAT!”

143. Bring a friend and a stopwatch. Get carts and race around. every time you nock something over, subtract a second from your time. You usually get kicked out before you figure out who won.

144. Find a couple. Run up to the one who is an opposite gender from you, slap them, and say “WHAT IS THIS? I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL!!!”

145. Go up to an assistant and ask for mayonnaise. When they say they don’t have it, start crying and scream, “Now how am I supposed to paint my toenails?!?”

146. Lay on the floor and do a ground angel

147. Steal their ketchup, go on the counter, smear ketchup all over you and say HELP ME HELP ME! OMG! THE HOTDOG KILLED ME!

148. Start jumping on one of their beds attempt to fall asleep until one guy tells you to get off. Then yell ‘HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!? GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! GET AWAY FROM MY BED!!!!”

149. Run around switching all of the open signs on the cash registers to closed and all of the closed signs to open. Watch the customers get confused.

150. Ask for Goat Milk

151. Make sure somebody’s in the same aisle, then run screaming into a wall. Fall down and say “AHHH! The pain, the horrible, terrible pain!” Until someone asks if you’re alright. When they do, get up and say, “Yes, I’m fine, why?” And then walk away calmly like nothing happened.

152. Dress up as an emo kid, then scream at people, “WHY HAVE YOU COME TO WORSEN MY MISERY?!”

153. Dress up as a ninja and go around the store karate chopping people

154. Turn a cart over and put towels over it so they can’t see in. when someone starts to open it, start yelling “Hey, I’m Using the Bathroom in here!!!” (Ew Gross!)


How to get kicked out of walmartWhere stories live. Discover now