The Idea

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"What'd you wanna do?" Frank asked.

"It's not attached to the adjacent buildings," Rusty informed, eating crisps.

"The whole house?

"We're just raising it slightly," he paused,"Schumann did it in '64 in Venice and '73 in Istanbul. He only had a crew of six."

"We can't tilt a house."

"Did it with the Leaning Tower of Pizza,"Reuben exclaimed over the phone.

"Exactly, thank you,"Rusty said appreciatively.

Basher added,"It took 300 men over two years to do it."

"There's 30 pylons," Rusty informed,"We cut them, insert the jacks and crank away. It's really our best plan, considering it's our only plan."

"Crank for how long?" Frank asked the man.

"Like I said, it's our only plan."


First Tuesday, Eight days left...

The robbery was in motion. The nighttime giving them the stereotypical thief image. The Malloy twins, Linus, Frank and Yen were in a canal boat, raising the house as Rusty had said, whilst Livingston and Badger were in the rooftop, facing the house holding the document. They were ready.


A man ran through the Europol building, running to the conference auditorium. As he stopped outside the door he composed himself and swiftly entered. The man rounded to the back, standing behind the key speaker, Isabel.

"....Master thieves who practice the long con live separate lives as civilians. They have legitimate jobs and families which make them extremely difficult to catch,"she paused,"The greatest thief of all time was, without question Gaspar LeMarc, who either died in Portugal in 1988...or in Hong Kong in 1996, or he's still alive.

"We may never know for certain because LeMarc was never captured or photographed, despite being active for over 50 years. Though he left behind a slew of imitators, only one is worth mentioning in the same breath as LeMarc: The thief we know only as the Night Fox. So named for the small onyx figurines he leaves behind to taunt us," she took a breath,"The Night Fox must be considered our number-one priority. His string of high-profile crimes are an embarrassment to our our entire profession. We need more than traditional resources to pursue thieves like the Night Fox. We need to train ourselves to think the way they think, to see what they see. And we should not allow ourselves to be distracted..."

The man who entered the room before walked slowly behind her and whispered in her ear about the recent news. She was shocked,"What?"


Isabel arrived at the crime scene and a male detective immediately greeted her as she stepped out the car,"Hi, Isabel. Well, we could really use your help on this one."

"I hope the scene hasn't been contaminated,"she warned, brushing past him,"When can I speak to Mr. van der Woude?"

"Probably tomorrow. He's heavily sedated,"he responded,"We can't figure out how they disabled the alarm. Shorted it out somehow?"

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