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"I'm coming with you," Clementine rolled her eyes as Harry once again tried to convince her to let him go with her to the Diner. She appreciated that he wanted to support her but she needed to be alone and look at what Max had done without anyone with her.

She sighed before putting her coat on, "Harry he is in jail so I won't be in any danger and I just-I need to be there alone first okay?," her eyes looked away from him as he stared her down. He was being so stubborn recently and she understood why of course, but there were some things that she needed to take care of without him.

Clementine survived without Harry before all this and she could certainly do it now. 

He nodded slowly before sitting on her bed, pulling the blonde over to stand in between his legs. She was now level with his face as he gave her a small smile, "I will have my phone on call and I will be there so fast your head will spin," her chest warmed and she leaned in to give him a small peck. 

"I need to talk to you about something when you get back okay?," she raised a brow at him but he just smiled, "It's nothing bad but I just need to um ya know say some things."

She laughed, "Yeah that's usually how conversations go," he rolled his eyes at her attitude before Clementine was walking toward the elevator and riding it alone. She had been in a suspiciously good mood since the incident that happened a little less than a week ago, and although the physical reminders were still there she tried to wipe it from her memory. 

The brisk air bit at her exposed skin as she started her trek to the Diner, stomach twisting at the absolute disaster she was sure was awaiting her. When she had gone in that night it was dark so she couldn't see the full extent of what happened, but from what she did see it didn't look good. 

Her arms crossed over her chest as she stood in front of the now destroyed 'Mels Diner', the front window catching her attention once again. The word 'WHORE' had been slightly wiped away but still noticeable, Clementine took a deep breath as she pushed the broken door open. Eyes looking in every direction, it looked like an abandoned waste land. 

Everything her mother had built and worked so hard for was shattered on the ground before her, the tables they painted together now chipped and some broken. Her fingers ran across the counter top that her back had hit when he was trying to get her off of him, her finger tips running over the bruise on her spine that was still sore. 

She moved toward one of the diner's chairs that had the legs broken off of it, closing her eyes as shes saw a slight amount of blood on it. Clementine remembered hitting him in the head with it so she could crawl away from him, but he dragged her instead.

Clementine pushed through the kitchen doors and frowned at the mess, he pulled everything from the freezers and broke all of the cups. Glass was shattered all over the floor and piles of plates were scattered around as well, some of them still in tact but most them were not. She stepped over the plated and picked up a couple of the pans to put them back onto the stove, noticing he had ripped the knobs off of it. 

"Jack ass," she whispered out before moving on to the back room, all of her bills and paperwork now ripped or scattered on the floor. Clementine knew that cleaning this place up was going to take a long time and a decent amount of money that she did not have. 

She turned to go back toward the front of the Diner before something caught her eye, he didn't.

Her shaking fingers grasped a now broken picture frame, "Oh no," the picture of Clementine and her mother outside the Diner was now defaced. He must have smeared the paint still on his hands over the picture just to spite her, tears threatened to spill. "Mom I am so sorry."

She could not believe that she let some man bring this much destruction into her life, and that she let him disrespect her mother's memory like this. Immediately her hands grabbed the phone in her back pocket, dialing a familiar number that would be here 'so fast her head would spin'.

Clementine placed the phone up to her ear as she stood up, running a hand through her messy blonde hair. She furrowed her brows as she heard someone's phone going off close by, turning slightly when Harry finally answered. "I told you i'd be here quick."

She dropped the phone from her hand and ran into his open arms, enjoying the comfort his tight embrace brought her. "He ruined everything," she cried into his black hoodie, her tears soaking through but he didn't seem to mind. He just wanted to comfort her in any way he could. 

His large hand rubbed her back soothingly as he let her cry, she needed to get all of her frustration out so she could finally move on. He wanted nothing more than for this to be a distant memory for both of them, and hopefully with him by her side he would speed that up. 

Harry stood for twenty minutes hugging Clementine as her tears ran out, her now puffy gaze looking up to him slowly. "Why are you wearing a fake mustache?," the corner of her lip quirked up slightly as she really looked at him now. 

He had a dark brown handle bar mustache on his top lip that she had not noticed in her crying fit. "Well I was following you here just in case you needed me and uh I put this on in case you looked back and saw me," she now let out a full giggle at the absolutely ridiculous explanation that he had just told her. 

"You think just because you have a mustache on I wouldn't know it was you?," Clementine asked as she giggled, wiping away her now tear streaked face. He never wanted to make her cry like this, and he was sure that he would do everything in his power to make her laugh instead. 

His shoulders shrugged, "You didn't notice until now so who is the ridiculous one here."

"I think it's definitely still you" 

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