Don't mess with family

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Hi guys here chapter two! Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: nun of the Sonic characters are mine wish they where but sadly no sooo...


OH and I forgot to tell that I changed the characters ages!




AMY: 17

There you go! ENJOY!


In the desperation Vanilla quickly packed their thing to leave the city. Cream who was in the bathroom taking a shower, still didn't now what was happening. When she came out she found her house a mess. Quickly looking for her mom, scared that something happened to her. Since her mom had heart problems.

When she finally found her, she saw her packing everything in sight. She yelled "Mom what are you doing?! Whats going on here?!" Cream's mom didn't pay attention to her and just kept packing. Cream was so desperate to know what was going on, grabbed her mother from her shoulders, and turned her around. Gently asking this time, since Cream's mom didn't like to be yelled at. "Mom please tell me what is happening? I do live here right?"

Cream's mom sigh and answered her sadly "Robots are attacking the city. We have to leave, its to dangers!" Cream opened her eyes in shock, paralyzed. Robots? City? It took some time for Cream to digest it all at once. Suddenly all that came to her mind was TAILS! She had to go help, she just couldn't runaway like a coward and leave them to there fate.

Cream looked at her mom and whispered "Mom I have to go help them I'm part of the team as well..." Her mom's eyes widen when she said that, tears fill her eyes and this time it was her turn to scream.

"Cream you are not going out there! My heart wont take it if you leave! I'm going to be so worried! I wont be able to be here knowing you might not come back!" Cream's eyes also filled with tears feeling horrible for even thinking of leaving her mom alone. What if a robot came this way? Who would be here to protect her! When that image came to her mind she started to cry hysterically hugging her mom.

"I'm sorry mom for acting so selfish I would never leave you if your not going to be safe!"

Cream's mom petted her ears gently "I know sweetheart no need to apologize..." she cooed in her ear. Cream wiped her eyes and smiled her mom, she was so understanding and that's why she loved her mother so much. "OK Hun lets get packing we need to able to leave a soon as possible." Vanilla finished talking and went right back to work.

Still in shock Cream stared at her mom's back getting tears in her eyes again. She noticed that her mom was going to turn around to look at her, so she quickly pretended to be packing something so she wouldn't notice that she was crying.


Tails,  finally made it to the city, searched around to see if he could find his brother the blue blur. But a very familiar voice pierced into his ears "TAAAILS! I found you at last where were you?!" Amy stood there with her Piko Piko hammer with a face of wonder and a bit of worry.

"Ohh Amy I was um..." he really didn't want to tell her where he was, or what he was doing. Do to Amy's over reactive personality.

Amy chuckled and leaned in with a devious smile "Going to Cream's house for an apology, right?" Tails opened his eyes wide blushing in surprise that she knew that, but Cream was her best-friend so why would she not know? He mentally slapped himself for even thinking she didn't . "Weeelll!?" she giggled covering her mouth. Tails was blushing so hard but he didn't even know why.

After that problem with Cream that day he started to have different feeling for her. It really made him desperate to talk to her. Now that Amy was bothering him this way he was starting to think he was actually liking Cream in a different way.

Like how her eyes captivated him. Her fur looking so soft the way it flowed in the wind, it really made him want to grab her in a tight hug to be able to caress her ears. Quickly snaping out of his little wonderland he tried defend himself quickly,  "Amy I don't think its the time to be talking about this. Now where is Sonic?" He barely said his name and Amy already had hearts in her eyes putting her hands next to her face all lovey - dovey Tails sighed.

How was she so clueless this really was not the time to be like this, so he waved a hand in her face to snap her out of that state. "Oh sorry Tails," she chuckled "its not really the time to be oozing over Sonic. Well like usual his on his way to Eggman's ship. I thought you would figure he would be there! Your acting weird lately Tails!" Tails with out answering her just turned around and ran off, leaving Amy behind. She'll be fine on her own.

As he was running, he asked himself if Amy was right? Was he really acting weird? Was it too noticeable that his feeling were changing? He was so lost in his world he didn't even noticed that there was a giant robot arm coming right at him. But just before it hit him he jumped. Woah that was close. He was still in the air when another robot knocked the air out of him and he fainted.


Cream was now on the bus that the Mayor offered to the people to be able to evacuate. Sadly Cream looked out the window feeling useless as she saw the robots destroy the city.


When Tails finally woke up he found himself in a cell tied up. "Uggh.. Where am I?"

"Your in my realm now Tails! With you and Sonic captured no one can stop me now. I'll take over this world! Heck not just this world the UNIVERSE! With my robot minions, I can do what ever I want! Go where ever my brilliant mind wishes! My robots are practically invincible and can do almost everything!" Eggman laughed evilly with his hands in the air.

Tails then started to calculate what Eggman had just said. Wait a minute did he just say he... CAPTURED SONIC! That couldn't be. But then he saw something blue in the corner of his eye. Tails just closed his eyes praying that it wasn't what he thought it was. He took a deep breath gathering all the courage he had in him, then looked to his left.

Sadly there he was, his blue brother tied up just like he was. His head down and tears rolling down his eyes. Slowly Tails open his mouth to speak but he really didn't know what to say. "So-Sonic?" was all that came out of the poor fox's mouth.

Sonic looked up with such a sad gaze "I'm so sorry Tails... That I couldn't do anything more to help..." When he said that he got a sly grin then winked. Immediately Tails knew what Sonic was doing. Tails couldn't understand how Eggman always fell for the same plan over and over again. But it did surprise Tails what a good actor that was Sonic, he cried and everything. Wow he was good! Tails felt so proud but also bad for Eggman who was more clueless than a real egg.

Chuckling at his thoughts without noticing, Eggman turned around angrily with a gun. Pointing it directly at Tails head " What are you laughing at fox boy?" Quickly Tails shut up, looking at him. "Yeah that's what I thought I'm your ruler now and you shall do as I say the time I say it!" Finishing his threat he hit Tails in the face with his gun. Out came a high pitched yelp.

That was the drop that over filled Sonic's cup "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY BROTHER!" Sonic was so furious that a black aura started to come out of him that burned the ropes that where holding him.

"Oh your screwed now man." Tails smiles at Eggman who was shaking in fear.

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