the ceremony

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Flora's POV

I was with someone trying to calm down the kids one ran off "Tanana, Tanana." Tanana look at her

"Ah, oh, why hello there sweet heart what a big girl." Tanana said to her she Giggled "when each of us comes of age,  the great spirit  revival to us a totem that helps guide us through our lives, some of us use courage. others patients." Tanana gave the little girl to her mom she sits in my lap "and some of us beauty. Kenai." Tanana said Kenai walks up to her "you nervous?" Tanana asked Kenai breath in a deep breath

"Excited." Kenai said

"Ohh,  you should be it's a good one. Kenai I've been to where the lights tought the earth and the great spirits have revealed to me your totem. To become a man your actions must be guided by one thing... You totem is... love." Tanana said

"Uh, what?" Kenai said

"Yes, love." Tanana said

"The bear of love?" Kenai asked

"A love that connects and unites all living things." Tanana said

"Who wants to trade?" Kenai said

"There is no trading." Tanana said as she wacked Kenai on the head "Kenai,  love is the most precious of totems  it reveals it's self in unexpected ways. Let love guide your actions and soon you'll be a man. And we'll place your mark amongst those of our ancestors." Tanana said I feel bad for Kenai he's going to get picked on buy his brother denahie


"Thede he is come here lover boy." Denahie

"Denahie, shut you yap." I said

"Leave me alone." Kenai said

"Kenai, wait I'm sorry." Denahie said

"What?" Kenai said

"Your totem I think it's really great." Denahie said

"You do?" Kenai said

"Yeah, and I made something for you." Denahie said

"You did?" Kenai asked

"Now when you're skipping around loving everybody you'll smell so sweet." Denahie said I rolled my eyes

"Well is this nice instead of fighting your giving each other flowers." Sitka said I giggled

"Yeah, isn't it lovely he's in tought with his totem already." Denahie said

"Hey, why don't you go get the fish." I said

"Sure,  Kenai loves me he loves me not, kenai love me he love me not." Denahie said as he walks away Kenai picks up a rock

"Kenai." Sitka said

"Someday I'm gonna just. He just such a..." Kenai said and musa slapped him in the back of the head

"Hey, buthead just because his totem is wisdom doesn't make him wise I mean look at him." Musa said

"Yeah, I guess the spirits messed up both of our totems." Kenai said

"You know me and Sitka felt the same way when tanana gave us ours." I said I skipped a rock

"Really?" Kenai said

"Yeah, we said the eagles of guidents what does that mean. But now that we're older we know it about being a leader and keep our eyes on you guys." Sitka said

"I just want to get my hand print on that wall." Kenai said

"Just be patient Kenai." Bloom said

"Yeah, when you live by your totem you will." I said

"Really?" Kenai said

"We guarantee it." Roxy said

"But come on the bear of love a bear doesn't love anyone they dont think they don't feel. I mean they're... they're thieves." Kenai said

"You didn't tie it up did you? You should have got the totem of pinheads." Denahie said

"Knock it off we'll just make another basket." Sitka said

"We, oh, no,no,no or took me and flora two weeks to make that basket. Why don't you get lover boy to do it he's the one that messes up everything. Typical Kenai." Denahie said

"Don't worry Denahie we'll go get the basket." I said

"Guys wait, guys!" Sitka called for us we ignored him


We found the basket it was ripped to shreds we groaned we heard a growl  Kenai did the stupidest thing he threw a rock at the bear mad it angry it throws him and me off the cliff

"Kenai and Flora." Sitka said

"Sitka no you got to get out of here. The bear it behind you." I said

"Hey bear!come on over here yeah, come on bear this way." Denahie's voice was heard we get onto the cliff again and the bear knocked Denahie into a hole in The glasher bloom Stella where trying to help him up me a d Kenai joined the and successfully get Denahie out

"Sitka!" I yelled Sitka looked at me then closed his eyes and the glasher came tumbling down when it went to the water we walk up to the edge "Sitka!" I yelled again

"Come on!" Kenai said we followed him

"Kenai!" Musa said

"He can't be.  He can't be dead." I started to cry Denahie held me I sobbed into his shoulder

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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