☼ Tᴀɪɴᴛᴇᴅ Bʟᴜᴇ ☼

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an unusual pair, I don't see much of it so ! here's a long-ish one with some Kshaw fluffiness for you in apology of me being gone for ages <3
sorry for the repost I had to fix some things n I'd thought I'd post it again at a better time :)

Warnings: Alcohol, mention of drugs (roofie/spiked drink), someone forcing themselves into another (?)

Harry Lewis
Everyone knew the name, a lot of people loved the name, especially his friends. The young lad was a joy to be around, so bubbly and always loves cracking a joke. He held a smile that could light up any room. Ask anybody, hell even JJ would agree. Harry had no fear when he was with the people he loved most, honestly they're surprised how he hasn't gotten seriously injured yet but they're very happy that he hasn't. They couldn't bare to see the kid in any form of pain. That's why when their monthly night out went wrong, it hurt them all equally.

It started off as a regular day, a Sunday in fact. As usual, one of them was editing their weekly Sidemen Sunday video and the individual was Josh, Mr Zerkaa himself. They filmed this about 2 weeks ago, it was them doing their own version of The Chase and as usual, it was a cracking video. Josh's personal favourite moment being when Ethan said cows drink milk then seeing his and the other's reactions. Priceless, the viewers will love it. Anyways, he was almost finished editing, just a few more cuts and camera switches to put in, then the end card and music. It was around 2:45pm and the video didn't have to be uploaded until 6:00pm so he has plenty of time. Besides, the quicker Josh gets it done the quicker he can get ready for their monthly night out. He sighed, getting back to editing.

Josh managed to finish the video at around 4:00pm so he just left it to render, then would schedule it to upload at 6:00pm like usual. Getting out of his chair, he decided to go jump in the shower. Freya has already begun to get ready, so he didn't have to wait for the bathroom to be free. Popping his head round the doorframe to their room, he let her know what he was doing. "Frey ? I'm just gonna jump in the shower babe." Was all Joshua said before hopping in the shower, getting ready for their escapades later on in the night.

~Time skip to when they're at the club~

Simon and JJ were first to arrive outside the club, surprisingly. Usually they're last as JJ can't seem to move quicker than snail's pace but they seemed to be on time today. Perhaps in result of Simon's constant nagging however. They didn't have to wait long for someone else to pull up as an Uber arrived and out jumped Ethan, Tobi and Vik from inside. Tobi looked very surprised to see that they weren't the first ones there however, "God, Simon must've really kicked you up the arse for you both to be here this early and first JJ ?" JJ just huffed and rolled his eyes whilst both Tobi and Simon giggled, which he took as a yes. They stood around making conversation whilst waiting on the others, just then Josh and Freya pulled up. All of them were here by now except Harry who was usually the first one here, the kid loves a drink so he never was late to a night out so this was quite strange coming from him. Josh texted him, asking where he was.

Harry ? Where are you,
all of us are already here lad

I'm on my way sorry,
the Cal's pulled another prank
ffs I'll explain when I'm there

Okay, see you when you
get here man :)

Within the next 10 minutes, Harry's Uber pulled up and they finally got inside the club. Turns out Freezy and Lux decided to put all of Harry's stuff in boxes and turned his room into a "pool room" (they put a large paddling pool in it and filled it with water) so he was sorting and cleaning that mess before he came. As soon as they all got a few rounds of drink in, they were having a good time. Simon, JJ, Tobi and Ethan were dancing whilst Vik was sat with Freya and Josh, presumably talking about Warzone or something like that.
Harry however, hadn't been seen since he started talking to this girl he met about an hour into the night. She was very pretty, her ginger hair looked stunning with the dim lights of the bar and Harry thought he might shoot his shot. The boys encouraged him to so he did. They started talking and got on quite well, the other boys haven't seen him since though. But they didn't think much of it. The night went on and they were enjoying relaxing and drinking but usually it was all 7 of them, Harry still hadn't been seen since about 8:00pm, it's now 9:45pm. JJ offered to go find him as they did have to go home in a few hours and they all wanted to spend time together also he had to stay quite sober as JJ had to shoot a music video tomorrow and didn't want to turn up with a hangover. JJ decided to check the lads bathroom first as he needed to use it anyways.
After doing his business and washing his hands, he realised Harry wasn't in there so he decided to check outside. He knows that sometimes the clubs they go to can be overwhelming for the boy, so he sometimes stands outside when he needs some space or a breather. But when he got outside, he was met with a sight he never wanted to see in his life. The girl from earlier had pinned him against the cold brick wall, blatantly forcing herself onto Harry. All the noises he made were a bunch of slurred "No stop", "please stop I don't want to do this" and other attempts to refuse her advances. But the ginger girl wasn't having it, she wanted him and wasn't going to stop until she got him.

JJ freaked, shouting at her to get off Harry. "What the fuck do you think you're doing ??" The girl jumped, Harry just hummed... poor boy was still confused. "Get the fuck off him now !!" JJ made quick work of grabbing the smaller boy from her grasp, swiftly pulling him away. It was clear to JJ that she'd drugged him as Harry could barely stand or form a simple structured sentence. JJ knew when his friends were drunk, Harry's state wasn't alcohol's doing. The ginger just started shouting abuse at JJ, saying she'd call the security and tell them he was harassing her to even making a comment about his skin colour. Olajide just simply told her to fuck off and picked up Harry, carrying him to the front. When he talked to the bouncer at the door, it turns out he heard the whole thing and told JJ she was infamous for drugging younger males at clubs just so she could sleep with them. The police were actually looking for her so they both agreed to call them and give them the girls location. Eventually the police came, the girl was arrested and taken away in the back of a police car. The blue flashing lights were bright, they stung Harry's eyes. The drugs were still in effect and honestly, Harry just wanted to go to bed already.
"Harry ? You alright man ?" JJ waved his hand in front of the younger boys face but barely got a response or even a flinch. He was still dazed, but managed to form a sort of coherent sentence after a minute or so. "JJ.. can I just go 'ome... please.. 'am tired..." Harry just leaned closer to JJ, snuggling into his chest for comfort. But he couldn't really stand straight either. All the other boy could do was blush, but his dark complexion mixed with the dim lights of the street hid that well. Olajide decided to shoot Simon a text, telling him he'd found Harry and was going back to the flat with him, also saying that he'd explain about Harry when Si comes back or in the morning.

~Skip to the flat~

JJ tugged the young boy along up the stairs, what a fucking day for the lifts to break. Eventually he just gave up and carried him, having to prop him down next to the door so he could unlock it. With a swift *click* of the lock he was back home, in his flat, ready to get some sleep and put Harry to sleep too. Hopefully. Jide turned around to find the drowsy boy toying with one of his ornaments, almost pushing it off. "Harry– c'mere please man you're gunna break somthin' for godsake" JJ pushed the boy into his room, then got him a glass of water. He can have the paracetamol in the morning, the older boy simply can't be arsed right now he needs to sleep. Walking back into his room, Harry was sat on his bed cuddling Bearus.. half asleep. "Awe" JJ hummed, walking over to his bed. "Oi mate, drink now before I throw you off the balcony" the dirty blonde just looked at him confused until he noticed the glass of water in his hand. Harry took it and sipped it, the cold felt good on his throat.. better than alcohol too. He placed the glass on the bedside table before he could drop it, making more of a mess. Turning round, Harry snuggled into Bearus and closed his eyes. Minutes later he felt the weight shift, JJ must've gotten on the other side of his bed. He also however, must've thought Harry was completely asleep as he started cuddling him.
Did Harry mine though ?
Nope, not one bit. Maybe it was his alcohol and drug mixed mind.. but he liked it. He felt.... safe.

The two boys drifted off to sleep, in each other's arms. When Simon came back about an hour and a half later and peered into his best friends room, to say Si was surprised was an understatement. He just switched the light off, closed the door and went to bed himself. The tall blonde was confused but... he'd ask in the morning, it might make more sense then.


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