Who's Omega?

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Kanda's POV:

      I walked into Komui's office seething. I was also trying to find a way to cover the faint scent of arousal mixed in with my normal scent.

I stormed up to his desk "What did you need me for?" I said sitting down in a chair Infront of his desk. "And make it quick I have something to do." I failed to hide my irritation.

"Well, first I ask that you calm down, second, throughout this conversation I ask that you please stay calm and not try to kill anyone" he said. Komui's words only proved to irritate me further "just get to the point." I all but growled
  Komui sighed softly and motioned to the guards at the door. "let him in". The guards nodded and opened the door. And apon seeing who entered my scent flared up exponentially. "General Cross." I said curtly.

"Hello Kanda." He said walking in with a smug look on his face. Komui stood up from his seat "Kanda, Cross wanted to talk to you about something." He said "I do ask that you please refrain from possibly attacking the general for any and all reasons. That also goes for me and anyone else in this room." He said before sitting back down.
From that sentence alone I knew what ever it was Cross wanted to talk to me about wasn't going to make me happy.  I looked at Cross, "what is it that you want to talk to me about"

"I'm taking your little omega as my apprentice," He said smirking.

My scent grew immediately spreading throughout the entire room.  I tried to show my dominance by sitting up more, pushing my shoulders down and holding my head high.
"no," I said bluntly "She stays with me, she will not be your apprentice, and you're staying away from her," I said "Well, Kanda..." Komui started before Cross interrupted him. "(y/n) and her things are being moved to my quarters as we speak, there's no point in going to take her either, the guards won't let you in." He stated. He took a long drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke out in my face.

"By whos orders" I growled getting in the other alphas face my hand twitching to reach for Mugen.

"mine," he said standing up straight and looking down at me. "and if I were you, I wouldn't attempt trying to take her back." He said releasing his scent in waves which made even Komui flinch. I didn't back down though. No I had to stand my ground against him, I could not let him take my omega from me.

"Kanda, the decision has already been made final. It's been discussed with the higher ups and hevlaska." He looked at me. "(Y/n) is now officially General Cross's apprentice." He then looked at Cross "and I have to ask you to not release your scent like that. It's dangerous." Which is true. If a alphas scent is strong enough it can trigger an omegas heat or on rare occasion a alphas rut.

"Kanda, your dissmissed" Komui said. "General Cross I want to talk to you."

I let out a low growl and stomped out of the room to go get (y/n) myself. I didn't care who's head I would have to cut off to get to her. But I would and no one in this damn order was going to stop him

Cross's POV:

I walked back to my room rather fastly after leaving Komui's office. Komui had warned him of the obvious troubles of having a omega apprentice and gave me some things I might need. Heat suppressors aswell with rut suppressors for me. Also just some stuff that would generally make her more comfortable and help her settle in. I let some other people carry that to his room. I didn't want to carry all of the that.

I would've gotten there sooner but I got stopped by a very worried looking General Tiedoll. "Cross are you sure you want to do this?" He said "Kanda isn't happy. We've had to lock him in his room already and confiscate his innocence"

I chuckled "yeah I'm sure. Now move. I have a omega to get too." I said brushing past him to get to my room. I finally got there and nodded to the guards stationed outside my door before walking in.

(Y/n) was looking around the room. Checking her things and overall in a very alarmed state. I mean she had been dragged here by force with no explanation and just thrown in the room and locked in with her stuff. So she wasn't just going to be sitting there calmly. At the sound of the door opening and the flow of the scent that was already vaugely in the room grew more, she turned to the face me, her innocence activated and her wings spread at her sides to make her look bigger than she actually was. But apon seeing who it was she relaxed just the smallest bit.

I smirked at her and went to grab two glasses of wine. She is watched me closely. When I offered her the glass of wine she quickly shook her head "I don't drink." I shrugged and just took the second glass for myself aswell.

"Do you know why you're here?" I asked her. She looked at me and shook her head, "Well your my new apprentice." I said swirling the wine in my glass as I watched her. She stood defiantly, not even falling for his charm the slightest bit.

She sighed "Why? I'm already a capable and trained exorcist" She said not looking at me. I looked at her raising my eyebrow. "Don't play dumb, you know exactly why," I said turning to face her. This resulted in her walking away from me.

"Relax, I won't do anything to you unless you asked me too," I said leaning back. She blushed and looked away "So what exactly is your plan anyway, It's not like making me your apprentice makes it to where I can't see Kanda," She said glaring at me. I laughed. "That my dear is where you are very wrong. You see if I wish it, I can take you and leave the order because you're my apprentice. You also live here with me now," I told her sipping on my wine.

She looked confused "Wait I live here? What about my room?" She asked annoyed. "This is your room along with mine," I said gesturing to the room around us. She looked around. "There's only one bed," she said looking at me. "I know there is only one bed, you can either choose to share it with me or sleep on one of the couches. I would prefer the first option but that's your choice" I said smirking.

She hesitated before asking her next question. "What about when.....I go into heat? Or you go into your rut?" She asked me quietly. She seemed to be relaxing a bit. Not feeling as threatened anymore. She sat down on a couch opposite of me.  I smiled at her "I have been given heat and rut suppressors for you and me. I probably won't take them because they give me awful headaches. But what you do is up to you." He said.

She rolled her eye's at me "Annoying flirt." She said. "I'll take them, only because I don't trust you." She said.
"What about Kanda though, he is my alpha" she asked. "He's already Been informed" I told her "he didn't take it too kindly."

"I would assume so. Plus I don't put it past him to try and fight his way in here" she said as she she looked around the room. "Just a warning" she said giving me a sickening sweet smile.
"Mhm" was my only response. I wanted to get drunk, but for once I think it would be better if I didn't. I could tell she was stubborn, and getting her to fall for me wasn't going to be easy. And if I was drunk I doubt I'd make a good impression.
Plus it's not like I actually plan as taking her as a true mate, just play around with her until I get bored.

  I sighed as I finished of my glass and set it on the table. "Well (y/n). Make yourself comfortable" I motioned to the room "we share this room now, just don't make a mess of it"
By the time I looked back over at her she wasn't on the couch anymore, she had gotten up to inspect the absolutely huge bed area. Seemingly already claiming a side of it based off the way she was already arranging the pillows to something more to her liking.

Well, this is certainly going to be a interesting time. I thought as I watched her.

This chapter was up previously. But I'm going back and rewriting a bunch of it rn, so bare with me my dudes. Lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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