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As everyone was depressed on a Saturday morning, they heard someone coming down the stairs. Bakugo was holding Izuku's music and sipped some honey tea before saying, "You want to hear some songs about us?" No one did but he picked a disc and said, "1A rap, Dekuless version ft. Melissa Shield?" Now more people were interested, and he put the disc in. (Ignore the Deku/Izuku verse, and check out the original creator!)

They heard this and couldn't believe it, he made a verse about all of them. Bakugo reached in and picked up a different disc before dropping it like it burned. They saw it and Tsuyu picked it up, generally curious, and read it out loud, "League of Villains rap?" She put it in and ignored all the protests.

They just sat there, but Todoroki said, "It makes sense, he made it to keep notes on them." They decided to go with his reason, because if that wasn't the reason, they might have a problem. They all relaxed and eventually they got another out, it was to tempting, his music was just to good. They looked more and eventually found one called, "Russian Roulette, I like that name." Ochako looked at the one that said it and replied, "Of course you would Tokoyami." He ignored the comment and put it in anyway.

They sat there and wrote it of as not having a meaning, but then Mina looked in and chose one, she put it in the DVD player without saying the name and they listened. (This means they see the screen!)

(Back to seeing nothing!)
Now they really didn't know what to say, the big three of their class had an entire song where they were the main parts. As they were about to choose another they heard clapping, they turned around to see Aizawa and Nezu, oh please don't say what they know he will. As if the world was against them Nezu states, "Izuku's music, judging by the fact that I've never heard this song, I'd say he wrote it and all the songs in that box. So, let's see who else appreciates his talents, since you were kind enough to find them." Just like that 1A, minus a couple of girls who were silently crying in their rooms, was f-$@.$d, now the whole school would know his talent! While they were trudging to the auditorium they knew this wouldn't go well. Once they got there they saw Mei from the support course, Shinso from gen ed, 1B, and their teachers. Just fantastic, this is definitely gonna be their last day on Earth. Nezu cleared his throat and said, "Now, we have some music a student made right here, I'm gonna pick a random song, try to guess who it is." 1A watched with pure guilt as he put one disc in and music started to play.

Like rubbing salt in an open wound, it wasn't long before Monoma shouted, "Probably 1A, they can't poss-" He was cut off by Kendo and Nezu said, "He's actually correct, the person's from 1A." This made everyone immediately assume Jiro, but she was a girl, it was obviously a guy singing, that was when Shinso went wide eyed and shouted, "Is it Izuku!" Everyone else thought he was crazy until Nezu said, "Correct, for that you get an extra chance at one exam of your choice. Now who wants to pick second?" Nobody raised their hands until Tetsutetsu softly did, Nezu saw it and shouted, "Tetsutetsu, come down and pick." The boy went down and grabbed one, he read it out loud, "Go Hard, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu." He put it in and everyone waited.

The fact that Izuku could even do this shocked everyone, Tetsutetsu sat back down and Mei almost fell out of her seat while raising her hand, Nezu only thought it was right and picked her. She found one and said, "Demons?" Everyone was intrigued and she threw the disc in happily.

Now the entire audience was dead silent, Shinso stood up and walked towards Nezu before picking a song, he read it out load and said, "No Hero." He put it in and class 1A was starting to feel fear, what was going on!

All they heard was Mic shout, "What the f@(k" Nezu spoke up and stated, "Well then Yamada, pick one." Present Mic walked up and grabbed one, he didn't even say the title.

Everyone just sat there until Midnight walked up and said, "Maybe he has a love song in here, this rap stuff is getting boring."

The majority of girls were in La La Land until the door opened, they heard clapping at the door and saw the Pussycats with Kota, apparently Nezu invited them. The rat noticed them and asked, "Do any of you want to play a song?" Ragdoll shrugged and went down, she picked it up and, "You Owe Me." Everyone didn't know what it meant and just decided it couldn't be worse than the villain songs.

Ragdoll just muttered a, "Whoops." before everyone started to analyze the lyrics, did he think that they didn't care about him? Why would he of all people think that? Kaminari just said, "Um, Nezu, why did you just bring a blindfold out?" Everyone looked and realized he did, now they were shaking, and he didn't help when he replied, "I'm randomly calling people and then blindfolding them so they don't know what they picked. Drama is a good thing, isn't it? Anyway, Uraraka, come on up and chose." She gulped and made her way up before being blindfolded, then she reached in and grabbed one before Nezu put it in. Then they heard Deku talk before it, "Look, I know mom's gonna find this soon, so here's my last song before I take your advice Kachan. I'm doing this to help kids like me who feel useless, good luck in the future little heroes. I'll be waiting in heaven for you, expect the news to have an interesting report tomorrow."

Todoroki looked strait at Bakugo and shouted, "What did you tell him!" Bakugo just stayed stayed quiet, while Jiro and Momo were at the doors to the auditorium in shock, he didn't almost do it, did he? Todoroki stared into Bakugo's soul and asked, "What did you tell him, what was your advice!" Kota was crying a little as most students were shocked, it wasn't the song, it was the message accompanied by the song. Iida has a suspicion that Bakugo had bullied Midoriya, but to this extent! Bakugo felt a paralyzing gaze as Aizawa asked, "What did you tell him?" Bakugo just looked at the screen and thought of the message, 'the nerd was about to commit suicide because of me? I meant it as a joke yesterday, I didn't know it was this serious. It couldn't be, right.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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