Chapter 4

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Nathan's POV

The Next Day

So, the whole school is having this "Help Others" project. Basically, the kids sign up for different projects where you help people out. The different projects are: working at a soup kitchen, cleaning up trash, volunteering at an animal shelter, and helping out at a nursery home.

I already volunteer at an animal shelter once a week, and occasionally visit the nearest nursery home to help out. I've always wanted to try my hand at working in a soup kitchen, but I just haven't gotten the chance to yet, so I think that's the one I'll sign up for.

I wonder which one Jake is going to sign up for.

He's probably not excited about this whole thing, considering his general attitude toward others. Actually, it almost seems like no one besides me is excited about this.

Anyway, they've been building up this whole event for months now, but sign-ups are finally starting today. The actual projects start on Monday and they'll go until next Friday.

I walk into the room where they're having everyone gather by grade. The seniors get to go in and pick first, then it's the juniors turn, then so on and so on. I'm glad I'm one of the ones who gets to pick first. I really want to get the soup kitchen.

All the seniors are gathered. Most of them are wandering around looking at the different tables set up. They're probably looking at all of their options or something. Immediately, I start searching for the soup kitchen sign-up sheet. I write my name down and leave the room to head to lunch.

That's honestly a smart tactic they did. They aren't letting kids go to lunch until they sign-up for something, so it's encouragement to get people to write their names down.

I don't know what they do with the kids who just refuse to sign-up. They probably just randomly put their names down on whatever spots are left or something.

As I sit down to eat lunch, I can't help but think about Monday. I'm excited.


Jake's POV

I fucking hate this school project that they're doing. I don't want to waste my fucking time on this stupidass project.

Heh. I bet Nathan is loving this. This seems like exactly the type of thing he would enjoy doing.

As much as I don't want to do this, I did sign myself up. I didn't want to get stuck with trash duty. Animals are great but they're also a lot of work. Old people are gross. Trash is gross. So, that only left the soup kitchen. The only good about working at the soup kitchen is that there's food involved. I'm great with food.

I shouldn't have been surprised to see Nathan when I arrived at the soup kitchen, but I was. Maybe I thought he would pick trash duty or something. Since, you know, he's trash.

I try to avoid his gaze, but that doesn't help. At all. Nathan starts to walk towards me.

Ugh. Why is he so obsessed with me? You beat someone up one time... okay twice... but still.

"Hey," he says.

"Why are you talking to me?" I ask, coldly.

"I-" Nathan starts.

I interrupt him. "I'm not your friend."

"I know."

"Then, why are you talking to me?"

It looks like he doesn't have an answer, but he opens his mouth to speak anyway.

Before he can get his words out, the teacher in charge of this project says, "Alright guys!" She claps. "We're here to serve the hungry people in this area. There are other groups going out to different soup kitchens. You will be helping out here every day after school this week. I'd like to see you guys do this without complaint. Listen to whatever the people in charge here want you to do. Try to have fun!"

Pfft, have fun. Yeah right.

Nathan smiles and I roll my eyes. Our group starts walking into the building.

"You know," Nathan says to me, "I've always wanted to work at a soup kitchen."

"Of course, you have," I mutter.

He just looks at me. As much as I enjoy attention from a hot dude, he's making me uncomfortable. The more perfect he becomes in my eyes, the more I hate him.

This afternoon is going to be long.

time skip brought to you by Campbell's soup

Nathan's POV

Hot soup burns my arm. I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming. Ow, ow, ow, ow. I can't believe him. Involuntary tears come out of my eyes and run down my cheeks.

This is worse than him beating me up. It's almost like the soup is trying to eat my flesh.

I rush over to the sink and let the cold water run over my arm. I knew he was mean, but I can't believe it. I mean, I guess I can, but

Flashback to a few minutes earlier

"Hey Jake, would you pass me that ladle?" I asked.

He smiled. "Sure."

The smile had me confused, but I brushed it off. He was about to hand me the ladle when I noticed that it was brimming with soup.

"Jake-" I started.

Jake proceeded to dump the ladle full of soup onto my arm.

Snap back to reality (there goes gravity)

"Does anybody have any aloe?!" Someone exclaims. I don't know who. At this point, I'm not paying enough attention to anything to know what's going on. My only focus is the pain and helping it go away.

The cold water is helping a little bit, so I try to focus my attention to what's happening in the room. A few people are scrambling around, probably searching for aloe or something else that'll help me. The teacher is practically screaming at Jake. Everyone else is trying to keep their composure as they continue to serve soup to people.

I stare at Jake. He doesn't even look unsettled by the teacher yelling at him. In fact, he's smiling? I sigh.

I can't stand him. 

1,016 words

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