Chapter 7

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I stopped crying but was was still softly sobbing when I heard a gun shot. Damier must have shot someone and now he's coming back for me to take me out of this stupid cage. 

I sat there waiting until Damier would come up stairs and hold me in his arms but he never did. A couple more minutes passed by and I couldn't take it anymore and began thinking the worst.

I didn't know what to do, I was trapped in this cage and Damier could be dead for all I know. I started tugging on the cage door and to my surprise it opened.

I stepped out of the cage and realized it was never locked, just closed. I quickly ran down stairs but Damier wasn't in the kitchen. 

When I walked into the living room there he was, on the ground blood pouring out of his stomach. I ran over to him and checked his pulse, he was still alive, he just really needed help.

I grabbed his phone out of his pocket since mine was still upstairs and called 911. I told them he was still alive but had been shot and lost a lot of blood and they told me they would be here soon.

I was so scared, what if he dies or they don't make it in time to help him. I can't lose him I just can't, he's all I have. My family is either dead or doesn't love me anymore so Damier is really the only thing I have left in the world.

"Please wake up daddy, I need you, I-I I love you." I said hoping he would wake up. When nothing happened I realized how stupid I was being.

I got up, ran to the kitchen, and grabbed a wet cloth. I ran back over to Damier and pressed the cloth against his wound with pressure. 

After A while the ambulance finally made it and let me come with them. Once we got to the hospital a doctor told me to wait outside of the room. 

I sat down in the chair outside of the room and started crying fearing that he wouldn't make it. I then started getting angry wondering who did this to him and why. 

I thought it over really long and soon realized exactly who did this to him and why they did it. It was Marnie, she said that Damier would be her daddy no matter what. She must have shot him when he said no to her.

The next time I saw her she was going to be sorry for this. I'm going to kill her the next time she tries to mess with us.

~An hour later~

I was peacefully sleeping when a nurse woke me up and I realized it wasn't a bad dream. "You can go see him now, he is still asleep but should be up soon." The nurse said to me. I liked her, she was really nice.

"Okay thank you so much." I told her as I got up and walked into the room. When I walked in Damier was sleeping. I walked over to him and sat down on the edge of the bed and held his hand.


I swear he's going to be fine and when he is out of the hospital he will do something special for Ava. Thanks for reading.


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