Skyrim #3

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Bianca of Winterhold




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Personality:Bianca has always tried to be a respected woman and to respect her parents wishes as well

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Bianca has always tried to be a respected woman and to respect her parents wishes as well. Whether that makes her feel as if she will never be accepted in the hold they live in is a different story. She's independent, compassionate, and intelligent. The woman has a very complex mind and doesn't take decisions lightly. In making a choice she has already come up with the consequences and the perks of it. She can seem to get frustrated with herself and become moody on days that she believes she's misunderstood since well she believes no one can understand her.
A caring heart that is quite loyal to those she cares for. Sarcasm can be her way of showing irritation or frustration.

Bianca had a childhood unlike most though to be honest what childhood would be exactly perfect when you grew up in Winterhold when the economy was terrible and everything revolved around magic. Her parents were magic fearing nords and despised the college though due to her family being one of the longest that resided there, they never left.
Growing up it was her mother, her father, and her twin sister. Now her and her sister are identical in most things. Though one key difference is that unlike Marian, Bianca had abilities in magic.
Though due to her household, it wasn't like she could practice it. However she did focus on healing spells. After all if she was cursed why not use the stupid magic for some good?

Her mother, father, and twin sister Marian

Love interest:

Love interest:Arryn

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Abilities:She can preform magic but isn't that experienced

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She can preform magic but isn't that experienced

The reason why she isn't in Winterhold is because she was off with some family friends and that's when she is pulled into the drama of these characters since one of her good friends as well is placed to be executed in Helgen
Natalia & Ralof

Other:The reason why she isn't in Winterhold is because she was off with some family friends and that's when she is pulled into the drama of these characters since one of her good friends as well is placed to be executed in Helgen ~Natalia & Ralof

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"Those damn elves must have something to do with this

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"Those damn elves must have something to do with this..."

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