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"Why won't this son of a bitch go down?!" Percy shouted as he aimed his shotgun at the beast in front of him. "Annabeth! Do you have anything on how a freaking Minotaur is alive?!"

"No I do not," Annabeth replied as Percy threw down the shotgun as the thing charged at them. "I didn't even know these things existed."

The two Hunters dodged and Percy said, "Guess it's time to bring out the big guns."

"You don't mean..."

Percy didn't say a word to Annabeth and instead brought out a silver colt from the inside of his jacket and said, "As my uncle would say in this instance, go to hell!"

He then pulled the trigger and the bullet pierced the Minotaur's head as it fell down and turned into dust.

"You do know that, that was the last bullet, right?" Annabeth asked her fellow hunter.

"Nothing would've worked on that thing," Percy said. "We had no choice, but to use it unless you had wanted to die."

Annabeth sighed, knowing that he was correct, and said, "You're... You're right, Percy. But now we don't have a weapon to use against the Yellow Eyed Bastard who killed your mom nearly 30 years ago and my dad just last year... What do we do then? What do we do when we find ourselves up against that bastard who killed our parents?"

"We'll figure it out, Wise Girl," Percy replied as he put the Colt back in the holster. "Right now, we need to find a place to lay low for a little while."

Annabeth nodded in agreement and the two of them walked out of the area they were in and towards a 1967 Chevy Impala, before they drove off and towards a motel nearby. Completely unaware of a woman with long auburn hair, glowing almond-shaped silver eyes, an unnaturally beautiful face, wearing silver hunting clothes and having a quiver full of glowing silver arrows.

2 Weeks Later; Bobby's place

"So you're saying that you killed a minotaur?" Bobby asked them as he grabbed two beers from the refrigerator. "How in hell does that work?"

"Don't Bobby," Annabeth replied as she took one of the beers. "It also didn't die like the usual monsters. It turned into gold dust."

Bobby then turned to his favorite female Hunter and said, "Did you say "golden dust"?"

"Yeah," Percy told the elder Hunter. "Do you know something?"

"What do you two know of the Greek Gods?" Bobby asked, getting odd looks from them. "Just humor me for a second."

"Enough to know that it's myths made to explain nature and such," Percy replied. "But that's about it."

"Just the basics," Annabeth replied with a shrug.

"Well, I'll just come out and say it," Bobby said. "The Greek and Roman Gods are real."

"What?" Percy asked, scepticism creeping into his voice practically immediately. "No. They can't be right?"

"We faced a minotaur Bobby," Annabeth replied with a roll of her eyes. "That was just a one time thing."

"I'm afraid that you're wrong, Annabeth," Bobby said with a sigh. "The Minotaur will return sooner or later, and he'll track you down until you kill it and the cycle continues."

"But why us?" Percy asked. "What do we have that the Minotaur is after us?"

"Your scent, Percy, that is why it's after you," replied Bobby. "You see, people like you two give off a scent that is intoxicating to monsters from Greco-Roman mythology. Hell-Hounds, Minotaur, Gorgons. Any monster from mythology will come after you. No ifs, ands, or buts."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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