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                I don't wanna believe it. I don't wanna believe in love or friends or any sort happiness because I know I'll never get any of it. I was fine the way I was but then I messed everything up and now she's gone, they're all gone and no one's coming back to me. I'm just a boy who has no love towards him or towards anyone and who wants absoluotley nothing in life. Every single time I love someone they end up leaving me in the end with no way to handle my emotions. They don't care about how I feel and now they're all  gone. It's okay though, I've learned to live half alive. I can do this for whoever's left...mom.                                                                                                    

           Knock,Knock! "Open this god damned door right now!" I always lock the door when I'm the shower even though my dad hates it. If I left it open he would just beat on me. Honestly, who wants to get abused by their own father? I know mom hates it when this happens because she's the only one left for him to hurt but, she doesn't understand this creates a distraction for her to leave. Run, mom! Run far away from this scary old man.Leave me here, I'll be fine. I wish she would listen to me and seriously do that. I don't know why she let's him treat her like this. I know this sounds like a cliche; evil father hits on wife and child as he pleases and is always wasted. Except this time he's sober.  I spilled out all of this bourbon since my mom wouldn't. He's been yelling about it for three hours now and just when I thought he had stopped...Knock Knock . "Do you want me to kick this whole damn house down? Huh, want me to touch her?" He's still threatening to touch mom?  I stopped the water and grabbed my towel of the shower curtain. God, I could hear him breathing. I tied the towel around my waist and picked up the toilet plunger slowly unlocking the door. He instantly open it and walked towards me.                                   

           "Heh, you think  it's smart locking that door. Sooner or later I'll kick your-" He stopped and turned around. This is new, usually I'd have brusies on my ribcage by now. "Where is it?  Where's my damn liquor, boy?!" His voice was arrising. I clenched my fist, "Up my-" Slap!  He had already started losing it. He walked more closer to my face and lifted my collar, "I don't want to see you face tonight. Your sleeping somewhere other than my house!' He growled. Oh, you mean the house than mom bought with her own money and without your help? Yes, it's all yours. He walked  out the door and slammed it. Please tell me mom is still inside the house and not hiding outside. I walk out the bathroom calling out her name,"Mom! Mom, are you still here?"No response. I started busting every door in the house open,"Mom!" I heard a mumble. I went into my parents room to see her laying on the ground with her forehead bleeding. Dad! I ran up to her shaking and shaking her but she just kept mumbling with her eyes closed. He had already hurt her so what was that threat for?  Was he threatening to kill her then?                                        

         "Mom please wake up! I need you to" I heard the front door open. I continued to shake her as tears fell from my eyes< "Mom..." She was still mulling which meant breathing. Her Reyes slowly began to open. She blinked continuously,"Khalil? W- what happ-" She tried speaking but stopped. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs along with coughing.                                                

           I got up quickly and closed the door, "C'mon, mom we need to go into the closet,okay?" I said to her hoping she was regaining he conscious. I held her arm over my shoulder and we walked to the closet next to the bed. I put her in first just in case dad opened the door she could be safe. Then I crouched down and said,"Shh, don't make a sound." I slid the door close leaving her in there so dad would think only I was in the room and wouldn't burnt mom again. I saw the doorknob wiggle and open. I gulped, seeing my dad with a cold beer in his hand that he had already started drinking. Oh no, it's worse when he's wasted!  He walked up to me and breathed heavily,"Now I don't know where your hiding you mom, but it's almost time for school and when you get home you can stay until 6:58. I wan you out of the house by 7:00." He picked upthe beer and drunk some moor swyaing back and forth slowly.

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