(Horror) AUs

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-Pet Sematary

Up in the woods of Derry, far past the quarry, is a strange graveyard, full of the deceased pets from the children of the town. No one knows why, but every spring they fix it up again, after winter practically destroys the path up there. It's been a town tradition for decades, maybe even centuries. The graves towards the centre of the circular paths are so old, that some of the names can't be made out. However, there is a legend about the Pet Sematary, and what lies beyond the deadfall. If you were to ask some of Derry's older residents, they may tell you.

Beyond the difficult to climb deadfall, about a days walk through swamp and marshland, is an old burial ground. They say that if you bury a dead thing in the stony ground, it'll come back to you, but they don't come back the same.

Sometimes, dead is better.

-The Shining/Doctor Sleep

Shining. That's what the unusual power some children have is called. Some shine brightly, some hardly at all. No one truly knows how someone begins to shine, but when they do, if they do, you certainly start to notice. (More info will be added when i figure out how to word everything)


One of the Losers gets a new doll from their parents, apparently it was given to them cheap. The doll begins to act very strangely, moving on its own when no one is looking, and you even catch it with a weapon in it's hand one night. What do you do about it?

-Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Leatherface)

There's another meat farm besides the Hanlon's, the one that is owned by the Saywer family. There are many rumours about this family, all of them being wild and absolutely disgusting. So, being the young teens you are, you decide to go and check it out.

More  will be added!
If you have any ideas, feel free to suggest them!

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