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Polar Opposites

Song: P*$$y Fairy by Jhene Aiko


"Jax knocked his ass the fuck out." Juice snickered as he stood with Liam and Kyle by the entrance door.

Kyle shook her head, "Jax doesn't need to be in any more fights. Why and who was he fighting anyway?" She was one of the few who didn't pay attention to the fight.

Liam clears his throat, "Jericho." He answers as he glares his sister down.

"Oh, that pig." Kyle rolled her eyes as she remembered her encounter with Jericho a chapter ago. "Just a pig."

"And because he got a bit too handsy with Chloe," Liam also answered her reason why Jaxon was fighting.

Kyle's eyes widen like saucers, "Chloe's here and you didn't tell me an asshole." There were times were Kyle question why Liam was the oldest out of the two siblings.

Liam shrugs, "Technically, it didn't bother to cross my mind."

Juice shook his head, "Well, since I know Kyle is about to curse you out. I'll go check on Jaxon to see if he's okay."

Juice walked away from the sibling duo as he entered the bar to check on his friend. He knew how long it took Jaxon to calm down, so if he had to talk to him to calm down then he knew what to do.

"...and there is my beautiful Catherine." Juice leaned on the bar counter with a smile. "Where's Jax?"

Cat looked over her shoulder as she chewed her watermelon-flavored Hubba Bubba bubblegum, "He's in the back."

Juice nods, "Thank you. Now, I think we should have a nightcap tonight, what do you think about that?"

Cat leaned over the counter inching her face towards Juice, "Go choke a chicken." She walked away as Juice bit his lip watching her ass sway with each step.

"Ah, I know she wants me." He smacks the counter before leaving to find Jaxon.

Juice went through the door as he journeyed down the hallway hearing a loud bump coming from the last bedroom. His face contorted in confusion as he inched closer but quickly step back as he heard the voice of a female.

"What the fuck?" He mumbled under his breath. "My dude using a female to get his anger out."

"Yes, Jaxon, right there!"

Juice inched closer but stepped back even farther as he heard a loud slap on flesh. "Well, I'll be damn." He mumbled under his breath as he heard the headboard hit the wall violently including the moans and groans. "No wonder he..."

"I'm about to cum!"

"Fuck Chloe..."

Juice's eyes widen as if he heard the name correctly. On cue, he turned on his heel pointing his finger to the ceiling as he made his journey back to the front.

"Damn, I ain't never heard shit that intense before." Juice whistled as he emerged from the back room walking towards the couple. "I thought you two were gone home."

"I wonder what's taking Chloe so long?" Jess asked as she and Brandon were seated at the bar. She was busy drinking bottled water provided by Cat, the bartender.

Brandon shook her head, "We were about to leave but this one right here wanted to wait on Chloe, so we can bring her home."

Juice looked between the couple realizing they didn't know what was going on, "Eh..." He laughs nervously. "I think Chloe's in good hands." Brandon and Jessica look to each other before staring at Juice.

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