A fucking maid,, huh. dumbass.

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Italics: Thinking

Bold: Speaking

[[Y/N P.O.V]]

'A tip to anyone who blindly follows someone... Don't let them drag you to Tokyo Japan in the middle of nowhere.. because that's what I did, I'm lost.. following two random males I have never met Is what I thought on the plane... now that I had landed and followed them to their doorstep what was I supposed to do? I guess knocking on the door would be the first step.. would they even hear me? it sounded so noisy inside, my heart beating two times too fast... I knocked on the door. DEAD SILENT. How did they even hear me over the loud yelling? it sounded like more than just the two boys were there... I sighed and knocked again slightly louder, I heard some people whispering to each other but I couldn't make it out. Then the arguing continued, damn... I let myself zone out, two males approach the door, I can see them through the glass side through the corner of my eye, one I recognized slightly, it was the guy my brain told me to stalk — I mean follow...Samgladiator... I guess that was his online persona...um, I should call him 'Sam' now? I shook it off and looked at the other male, he was slightly shorter than sam, and wore tacky headphones around his neck which seemed to play nothing? I don't even think they are plugged into a phone.

"H-hey sam! I'm your uh,, live in maid?.. who's your friend? The contract didn't mention a friend" I stuttered out, are you kidding me, if they even let me in I'll have to be a maid... I was sweating from head to toe, jeez I must have looked like a wreck. What was I thinking, stupid stupid stu-

"Oh uh, this is my friend Taurtis..." Sam started to explain, Taurtis gave me a long look up and down my body, almost as if he was examining me.. he proceeded to slowly walk away to somewhere else in the huge house...

"Ignore him...he's never had a maid live with him before" he whispered letting out a small chuckle and inviting me inside. "So... who exactly hired you?" Shit shit shit,, I didn't think this through... "I bet it was my mother, she would never leave me alone... well I don't really need you, so you can take the cash and go" sam started to slowly close the door, I quickly placed my foot in the door, " well um... I'm a live-in maid,, so I'll have nowhere else to go" I stressed thinking he'd see through my lies, I let out some small crocodile tears. His expression changed,,, YES it's working! Sam let out a small sigh "fine I'll let you in, but you better be good" he said with a deepness in his voice, weird...I had a quick look into the room on the right and as I expected there were a bunch of people sitting there playing... 'GameCrab'? I could have sworn it was called Gamecube...

"You doing okay?" Sam looked at me staring into the lounge

"We have a couple of people over, I think Taurtis went into there" he explained. He grabbed a bag off of me and we slowly made our way upstairs. it seemed there were three bedrooms, "this is my room, taurtis's room and this is yours, there's no bed.. shops don't open til Monday,, so.. we will work it out" which meant I would have to share a bed with one of the boys until I could work out the cash to pay for a bed and some other little things. I proceeded to follow sam around the large two-story house, maybe I could crash on a couch.. "no you will not be sleeping on a couch" Sam spurted out quickly,, it seemed like he cared.. "it'll ruin the seats" How rude is all I could think. I take back everything I ever thought about him.

"we'll work out who you're bunking with when I find taurtis" Sam sat you down on the upstairs couch while he went downstairs to search for his friend. I pulled out my phone and quickly started texting my group chat, sending off some selfies with the beautiful house behind me, a lot of my friends were calling me stupid. when out of nowhere I heard the sound of soft singing? it was a male's voice, I shook it off as sam came upstairs.

"it might be a little bit before everyone downstairs leaves, and I need to go host. I can't find taurtis so I assume he went out or something" sam said not really acknowledging you

"How about you head for a shower while I try to get everyone out of my house, luckily they didn't see you come in so I don't have to worry about them trying to bother you" he chuckled as he started walking downstairs

"Towels are in the cupboard in the hallway next to the bathroom" He half-shouted, I smiled at him as he disappeared downstairs, I got up and walked over towards the bathroom looking in the cupboard for towels, of course, they were at the top of the shelving, I started climbing it slowly trying to reach them as I heard someone exit the bathroom. I froze slightly, trying to rush and get down so as not to get embarrassed. I lost my footing, I closed my eyes expecting to hit the floor and pass out, but I opened my eyes slightly... I was floating? no. Someone had caught me. but who?

"Are you okay?" an unfamiliar voice asked, at this point, I was as red as a beet as I turned my head slightly... it was... taurtis! oh my god, someone, I had met not even 10 minutes earlier was holding me in his... warm... muscular arms...

"What were you doing... oh, heh do you need a towel? I don't think I can grab you one while I'm holding you" he chucked and put me down gently, only then did I see how much bigger he was than me, he reached up high, water dripping down his toned body, without those tacky earphones he actually looked quite nice,, hot even.

"here" he smiled and left walking to his room to get changed. How did he do all that without even getting embarrassed?... wait... HE WAS IN A TOWEL! I blushed even brighter as I quickly rushed into the bathroom slightly slamming the door behind me. I turned on the shower and let it warm up and undressed, staring into a mirror that showed off my body from head to toe, the scratches, and bruises on me, I think I did a good enough job of hiding them. After a while all of the noise calmed out, seems sam got them out. I sat on the floor of the shower, it was getting quite hot, but I love warm showers, I zoned out to hear some chatter downstairs "Taurtis what the hell, we had guests over and you just went for a shower, what is wrong with you? don't just put your headphones on" crash. oh shit, sam must have ripped them off taurtis's head. It turned into a screaming match, I couldn't handle it. then silence "wait y/n went for a shower, did you two. what the hell!" sam shouted "I d-didnt do anything, they fell I caught her, they could have gotten hurt," taurtis said in a worried voice. loud steps followed up the stairs next to the bathroom, KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.

[[SAM'S P.O.V]]

"Y/N?" I shouted, no response "is it really hot, or is it just me?" I chuckled trying to calm myself, "Taurtis, help!"  he rushed up the stairs, looked at me stressing and shoulder bashed the door til it opened, I pushed him to the side to rush in.

Word Count: 1310 Words

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