tagged again úwù

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Once they start they don't stop

Once they start they don't stop

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1. I don't even know at this point, though I think it's either Bi or Lesbian.
2. Female.
3. I guess
4. Um, I don't know what it's called since my mom turned it on.
5. Blond, due to my albinism. It probably would've been dark brown or black.
6. Virgo!
7. Idk, it was definitely on the cheek and platonic though.
8. Purple.
9. None, I can't decide.
10. 34% and charging.
11. None, I don't care and never have cared about celebrities.
12. Corn.
13. Blue, also due to my albinism. It likely would've been hazel, or brown, or something if I didn't have it.
14. I don't know, I haven't gotten new shoes in a while.
15. An author! :3

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