Chapter 9- Space

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Song: Alec Benjamin- Water Fountain 

~ Irene Blair~

It's dull. The void in my heart, that is constantly reminding me life is dim. My reflection reminded me of a ghoul, pale skin almost grey, sunken dark eyes and chapped lips. I touched the mirror going over the dark circles under my eyes, touching my broken lips and cold skin. I haven't seen him for 2 weeks. I ignored that pull, it was gradually compelling me to give in and forgive him. This is what the bond does if you have been away from your soulmate for a long period of time. You lose sight of yourself.

The living light from my eyes has faded, everything was dull without him. I'm sure he looked like me, worthless. I am nothing but worthless. I couldn't defend myself, I couldn't do anything to fight him off. The permanent bite mark on my neck proves that I am his, forever. It taunts me, how I don't have a voice, I can't speak my mind anymore. 

I had to do something to be happy and see the positive of being depressed. I can't do anything, I am weak. The spineless Omega was proven right by her Alpha; that he will always be stronger than her, not equal. 

I sat inside the blanket. Nothing, nothing but thoughts of him. I am stubborn and I am a fool, a fool for believing that I can stay away from him for so long. 

It was nice of Flora to keep me company, she's always here for me. She noticed how I wasn't myself, she noticed the darkness and ache in my heart and the way I couldn't move well.  Flora had gotten so worried that she literally force-fed me but it didn't work, my throat burned and my stomach churned making the food go up than down. The only time I ate properly was the day I woke up.

"Okay, I've had enough! You need to see him, at least be near him, please Irene. I can't see you like this," She desperately expressed as her chest heaved, "For your sake, please see him. You don't have to talk to him or anything because his presence will do all of the work," and just as I was about to protest the mighty Alpha appeared in his so-called mighty glory. "Oh, thank goodness. I'll leave you guys alone." After she said that she left, it was my fault for being so stubborn.

The tension in the room rose like a small flame. I instantly felt my skin become healthier as it developed its glow. I avoided eye contact as it was uncomfortable. I can't look at him at all,  forced mark and all. The dullness got replaced by life. 

"I guess it'll be hard avoiding me now..." I rolled my eyes at his smart remark. Obviously, he knows that we can't fight against the bond, therefore, he's using it to his advantage to make fun of this situation, but that doesn't mean that I'll talk to him.

He decided to sit next to me; this was one of the many spare rooms I decided to use which was well away from Alpha Zachariah's room. I turned away from him but that caused my stomach to churn and burn to cause me to nearly vomit but he scooted closer to me almost touching me. The feeling of dread completely dissolved and I could breathe again. I hated that he had this impact on me.

He placed a spoon of soup near my mouth. I drank the meal not looking at him once. I could finally eat again and it's because of him. 

I wish he didn't mark me. 

I noticed a bite mark on his neck too, What the fuck? Who marked him? So he can mark me but another she-wolf marks him? What the actual fuck? How dare he go behind my back? Well, it should be expected knowing he's an Alpha Jackass. When I get my hands on the she-wolf that marked him, I swear I will rip her throat out. I don't care if I'm ignoring him now, he is still my mate, he's mine. 

He fed me some water, it's not like I have hands. I turned away from him laying down. Doctor Thomas said that my neck was healed but my heart wasn't. I'm only joking, well, I'm not. He did say that the mark took a lot of energy from me so it was hard to do normal stuff for a while, like walking; apparently I didn't stop shaking since I was rejecting the mark and I fainted a couple of times. I don't know how I managed to accept it. It's too late to reject him now. 

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