A bright light blinded Izuku Midoriya's vision as he slowly awoke, his head aching with pain as he opened his eyes, once he was fully awake he snapped his eyes back shut as the light in the room made his eyes burn.

How did he even get into this situation?

Izuku thought back to the previous night, but everything was a blur, all he remembered was Endeavor chasing him, and red eyes?


Night before 12:32am west Musutafu

A figure looked over the city, he wore a black hood, a very worn light grey scarf, he had dark blue jeans on, and a dark gray mask.

This figure was also known as the mysterious vilagate Scorpion.


After hearing a piercing scream the vilagate quickly adjusts his glasses and looks in the direction where the scream came from, activating his quirk he looks down, and sees a man cornering a young girl. The vilagate quickly leaps to his feet as he runs in the direction of the girl.

" Stop screaming, it will only hurt a little," the man told the girl, with lust filled eyes.

"I think that's enough" the man froze, he recognized that voice anywhere, but he kept his guard up

" now, now kid, can't ya see I'm trying to have a little fun ear?" he said, trying to sound braver than he felt,, his hands still gripping the girl wrists tightly.

The girl looked at the viligate with tear filled eyes, practically begging him to save her from this wretched situation.

The village expression softened a bit as he looked at the girl then he turn to the man before saying, " don't worry" he paused for a second "I'll deal with this knucklehead for you"


Endeavor was patrolling when he saw a flash of black and gray, immediately knowing who it was he rushes to where he saw it

Maybe if I'm fast enough I can finally catch the slimy snake Endeavor thought as he brain stormed what he would do once he caught the young vilagate.

He saw the figure turn a corner Endeavor chased him down throwing shots of fire at the poor boy as the young villagate practically ran for his life.

As there chase continued Eraserhead looked from the building he was perched on seeing the scene the underground hero leaped of the building, when the boy was looking over his shoulder, he didn't see the underground hero, his eyes widen when he looked up at the hero, as he get up and turns around he realizes there's no place to run.

Looking as the village decides to try to leap up, jumping up the vilagate wasn't able to make it without being held down by the protection gear around the hero's neck.

Cursing silently to himself, Scorpion dose was he thinks is the best thing he could to in this situation, he lunges forward with all his strength as he head buts with the hero, Eraserhead a bit taken back from the situation growled in annoyance as he now had a uncouses boy in his possession. He looked at the ground and noticed as he assumed where the boys' glasses, he bent down and picked them up, putting them in his pocket, noting to give them back to him later.

"Ah thank you Eraserhead, I'll just take him with me-"

" He's not going anywhere with you, I'm taking him the hospital." he stated as he called in telling the police officers there that he would be there shortly.


Current time, 6:30 am Musutafu hospital

"Ah it looks like you're awake" Izuku heard a voice, his head snapping in the direction of the voice.

"Don't worry I am not going to hurt you, I'm just gonna ask a few questions" he heard footsteps and a chair being pulled out "I also  assume these are yours"

He hears something being set down assuming there are his glasses he takes them as but them on his face, slowly opening them he takes in his surroundings.

He was in a hospital room. He looked down and also noticed he was handcuffed to a bed. He also looks up to see a man, which he assumed was a police officer.

"What is your name" the man asked

Izuku hesitated for a moment before he responded in a whisper " Izuku Midoriya"

"What is your quirk?"

"Eagle's Eyes, it can make me see thing closer" he reasoned heistitly

"How old are you?"

"Fourteen" the man was taken aback about that, a fourteen year old kid managed to escape heroes multiple times, and beat many villanz and smaller criminals to near death?

A/N: annnndddd that wraps it up for the first chapter until next time... GOODBYE! And if there are mispelled words ignore it cause I suck at spelling

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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