Bakugo X Depressed Reader Part Two

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Bakugos pov

The speakers called out two names
Y/N and momo I think, well this should be interesting the victim and the bully. I walk over to the arena walls to see Y/N and her hero outfit I never realised how amazing she looked before her H/C hair flowed in the breeze but that was beside the point!
"just give up Y/N it's not like you'll win, your a useless piece of trash!" momo shouted so the whole class could hear
"that's were your wrong, you've treated me like shit ever since I've gotten here! And I'm gonna prove you wrong, I know I'm better that you because real heros don't bully people FOR NO REASON!!" Y/N shouted at her tears filled up her eyes, I felt sorry for her.

Y/N 's pov
I shouted a momo, and as I did I. Made a big cloud of darkness souround her from behind which paralized her for a minute. As she was paralized I started to float up and create a big ball of darkness and trapped all of momo' S worts fears inside it, then as the smoke cleared I punched her inside the ball and made it into a small marble shape and held it in my hand.
Y/N is the winner
You smashed the mare releaseing momo.
"Y/N, your a monster I can't believe you did that!" she was on her knees while you were standing a over her.
You knelt down and said "I'm sorry please don't hurt me again, please I beg you! " then you stood up and ran away tears streaming down your face

Third person pov

"omg I can't believe she did that!"
"she's a monster!"
"Yeah I hate her!"
These were just some of the words that came out of the classes mouths exept for bakugo, he knew how you felt. To have the whole world against you, to feel like your the only one going through this pain. However at the end of all this you find out someone's there for you in hid case kirishima, his best friend although he'll never admit it (¬>¬).

Bakugos pov

I walked up to y/n who was crying in a corner, her knees were pressed against her chest and she sobbed in her knees.
"oi dumbass stop fucking crying and listen to me, yo-you did great out there okay don't beat yourself up because you made her cry. She's a ass anyway she's deserved it, oh and if you EVER dose anything you don't like tell me!" I spoke calmly but I made sure to still sound angry. What am I even doing talking to this idiot it's not like I like her.

"sorry if a caused any trouble bakugo, I didn't mean it. Anyway I don't think momo will bother me anymore but I just think most people hate me for making her cry. Anyway erm... Thanks bakugo." she spoke, she was gentle and she spoke in between quite sobs and sniffles.

"don't mention it dambass, seriously though if you say a world i will blast your face of extra. E-erm and also if you erm well~ don't have people to hang out with come and find me, got it nerd." I keep on stuttering and u don't know why nvm it's not important.

" sure I will!" y/n said, it was short but filled with so much emotion happiness, sadness, regret, relief and something else that I couldn't pick up on... OH well I doesn't matter. I walk off with a small 'tsc'.

Your pov


Y/N-chan. Ex_has stopped working - reason =over heating ((fulse=error(true=calm down)) (true)
Starting calm down...
Calm down completely--please restart y/N-chan. Ex.

Pt three coming soon.

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