Suprise field trip to SI.

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Peter Parker was an ordinary boy, he went to school, he done homework, played with legos with his best friend. Many would consider him a nerd as to how he was not at all athletic, he was college level smart, and he participated in clubs such as decathlon.  Though However ordinary Peter Parker seems, he was far from ordinary. Peter lost both his mother and father at a young age, moved in with his aunt and uncle, he was bullied, he went on a field trip where he got bit by a radioactive spider, watched his uncle get shot and bleed to death in his arms, used the powers from the radioactive spider bite to become a super hero and protect queens his hometown, get recruited by the Tony Stark to fight captain America, and become Tony Stark's mentee. Overall Peter Parker's life was crazy, mental, spontaneous but amazing and he wouldn't change it one bit.
Peter woke up in a state, he was sore and covered in blood from last nights fight as Spider-Man, he was drenched in sweat from the nightmare he woke up to at least 3 times last night and could feel a S.O ( sensory overload ) coming. He checked the time and saw that he had an hour until school so he decided to take a hot shower and get ready.
On his way out Peter grabbed a slice of toast and saw the note left by may telling him that she would be doing the late shift at the hospital so he could either stay with Mr. Stark or at Neds tonight, as it was a Friday Peter decided to stay at Mr. Starks so he could do some improvements to his suit. As to let Mr. Stark know of his arrangements he shot of a quick text telling him the plan and made his way to school where he would meet his two best friends Ned and MJ.
Once he arrived at his school he noticed his decathlon team boarding the yellow bus that's normally reserved for field trips. "Penis Parker actually showed up. Ha, I thought you would have stayed at home to save yourself the embarrassment." Flash ,Peters bully, called out.
Peters mind started racing, as to what was going on, he was so confused so he searched for his best mate Ned. Once he reached Ned he asked what was going on? Ned only replied with a squeak, then carried on to inform Peter that they were going on the field trip to stark industry's that they've been waiting for since winning the decathlon competition.
Panic surged in Peter. His team, his fanboy friend, and his bully was going to his place of work and his father-figure / mentors building. This could not get any worse thought Peter.
Once at Stark tower Mr. Harrington the science teacher rounded up all the students and waited to be collected by their tour guide. Fortunately for Peter the tour guide Emily was new and had never met peter so luckily she couldn't embarrass him. Emily has told all the students to line up so she could hand out identification badges. Once peter received his he thanked the gods he didn't have to use his personal one and clipped it on to his shirt. Flash however was not being so kind and decided to rip peters badge away from him. "You don't need this do you peter, you probably already have one from the fake internship you have here right." Taunted flash whilst his gang of friends just laughed and made jokes about how peter is a liar and will be exposed.
Peter had just shrugged and acted like it's not a big deal whilst internally panicking and put his personal badge on. This badge was Matt black with silver webs and red writing of: UNDEROOS, Tony's nickname for peter and the number 10 in blue. Emily then started allowing people through the scanner when FRIDAY spoke up; "Emily Green, intern level 4, green card, restricted access."
At that many people were confused as to where it came from or in awe that Tony Stark had an AI that said their name as they went through. Next up was flash. Flash strutted through it almost like he owned the place when Friday spoke up " Eugene Flash, guest level 1, white card, restricted access." He suddenly turned around towards Parker and snickered, Peter Who was unbothered by flashes taunts just walked through the scanner when FRIDAY once again spoke up " Peter Parker, a.k.a, mini Stark, level 10, all access, hello peter how is your day so far? Should I alert boss of your presence?" Asked FRIDAY.
"My day is fine thank you Friday and can you tell tony not to come down but alert him that I'm here thanks." Replied peter politely.
As peter turned around he saw that everybody's jaws were on the ground even mr Harrison and Emily's. Flash spoke up " w..what! How! That's fake penis Parker does not have an internship!! He can't because he's just a pathetic looser!" Peter felt a wave of emotions hit. Then Cindy spoke up to as about the different levels and colours on the badges.
Emily happily answered the question explaining the levels for example;

Level 1 white card = tours/visitors
Level 2 yellow card = janitors/security
Level 3 pink card = low level interns
Level 4 green card = high level interns
Level 5 orange card = reporters
Level 6 grey card = lawyers
Level 7 blue card = scientists
Level 8 red card = avengers that aren't here very often.
Level 9 red card with 1 yellow stripe = avengers that live at the tower.
Level 10 personal designed cards = Mr Stark, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts and Rhodey.

Everybody once agin was shocked that little puny Parker had full access to THE stark towers and that he wasn't a liar flash made him out to be. Flash who was still pissed about it just gave him a death glare, After explaining that instead of taking more questions Emily moved The tour on to the first stop which was the interns floor. The interns floor is where they make theory's, projects and speculate on what can happen if you were to change something from the past experiments. However fun this sounds they still have to do paper work and a lot of it, so most of the time there are just grumpy.
The group had been asking the interns questions about what they've been working on and having a really good time when they turned the corner and were surprised to say when both Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner stood before them.
"Hey Pete and peters class, good to see your all having a good time I hope?" came Mr. Starks voice
"Hello Peter, it's good to see you again. We were actually talking about you and how you could help me on my next project if you would like?" Came Dr. Banners voice. Everybody was shocked that dr. Banner a mastermind and mr stark a literal genius is talking to them. That was until peter spoke back to them bringing everyone out of their daze.
"Hey Mr. Stark, Hey Dr. Banner and yeh I would love to join your project just text me the details and I'll look through them." Came peters squeaky reply.
" oh by the way Pete, I need to know what you want for dinner as peppers cooking and then she wants to have a movie night instead of lab night so your picking the movie." Mr. Stark said.
"BULLSHIT" shouted flash at the top of his voice. "There's no way you know Penis Parker, there's no way he works with either of you and there's no way he's staying here and having dinner. It's impossible. He's Look at him he's a boring, poor orphan who's parents had to die to rid themselves of him, who thinks he so cool when he's really just plain and ordinary." Screeched flash once again.
Tony saw red. He was Pissed that this little ass wipe had just said that about his son. He was gonna kill him or at least male his life a living misery.
"What the FUCK did you just say about my son?!?" Growled Mr. Stark
" w..w..what No, no this isn't fair he is Not your son." Flash stupidly replies.
"Firstly who the fuck are you to tell me who I will and won't spend my time with, peter is a pure joy to hang around with. He's funny and smart and caring and secondly He's my son in everything but flesh and blood, he's the best thing that happened to me, he's an absolute genius, and he is the heir to Stark industry's. So you've just blown your chances of ever getting a job at S.I and I'm going to inform all colleges of your behaviour so your never gonna stand a chance. Now if I ever find out that you even glance at my son again I will end you. Do you understand?" Mr Stark calmly but angrily said.
"Y..yes sir." Came flashes weak reply.
MJ and Ned were just snickering at the back watching this all go down.
Mr Stark then turned to Emily and Mr. Harrington were he then declared "tours over, everyone go home except Pete, Ned and MJ. You guys can stay for movie night if you want?"
"Omg mr stark wants me to join movie night." Shouted Ned
"Hell yes!" Shouted Peter
Whilst MJ just nodded and calmly said "yeh cool I'm up for that, what movie are we watching?"
Mr. Harrington spoke up at this point " actually sir you can't take them without guardian or parent permission."
"Then its a good job I already had their parents inform the school. And secondly I am literally famous for saving people so dunno why your so worried?" Mr Stark coolly stated.
Then the four of them turned and left for the private elevator leaving a confused class, a scared flash and a shocked Dr banner who quickly returned to his work with the interns whilst Emily tried to round everyone up for their early departure due to flash and his rather large mouth.
(In the elevator)
"Mr stark that was so cool, thanks for sticking up for me. You really didn't need to though." Peter said
"Erm yes he did! You never stick up for yourself and it's about time Flash got a taste of his own medicine!" MJ quickly retorted.
Mr stark just smirked at the two then turned around to see Ned staring at him with his mouth dropped still.
" I think I broke him" mr stark whispered to peter however MJ heard aswell and all three of them burst out laughing.
(On the bus back to school)

Everybody was shocked into silence which was only broken by flashes voice.
"What the FUC........"

The end.

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