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Beep beep beep

Derek was afraid every beep would be the last.

Stiles was too young to die. He hadn't experienced all life has to give and Derek prayed he didn't end up like his family. Gone.

As soon as Derek arrived on the scene last night, he immediately called an ambulance. Stiles was only human after all. He needed a hospital.

Stiles laid in that hospital bed with a tube down his throat to keep him breathing, a cast all the way up to his hip, a couple broken ribs, and numerous cuts and bruises.

Scott, Derek, and the sherif has hardly left his side afraid that he wouldn't be there when they got back. Currently Derek was the only one in the hospital room. He practically forced the sheriff home to the a shower and eat. He ordered Scott to go back to the loft, where the rest of the pack was waiting on news.

"Stiles, please come back to us. You've got no idea how important you are to this pack. You may not be as strong physically, but you are the emotional glue that holds us all together. You make this back stronger. We need you. I need you." Derek was holding Stiles hand, not in an intimate way, but in a caring way.
Beep beep bee-

"No! Help! Someone help! Melissa!" He frantically yelled into the hallway when he coded.

"Code blue in room 103"

Several nurses came rushing in to try and revive him.

"Derek calm down" Melissa grabbed his shoulders forcing him to calm his alpha eyes. The motherly touch that Derek so often missed brought tears to his eyes.

"I can't lose him"

"I know baby. None of us can" with that Melissa continued to run the code finally restoring his pulse. Derek called the sheriff and within 10 minutes he was running into the ICU.

Now it was just Derek and Noah in the room with Stiles. He looked so weak and pale.

"This is insane. My son's best friend is a werewolf. He's constantly doing dangerous stuff, much to my disapproval, and he dies because of a car crash. I can't handle losing him."
The sheriff looked at Derek with pleading eyes. Derek knee what he was silently asking him to do and he couldn't believe it.

"No. I am not biting him. He would hate me for doing that to him. He never wanted to be one of us. I don't even know if he could survive the bite." Derek remained firm but looked down at Stiles and something in his heart tugged. Stiles was part of his pack, werewolf or not, and it hurt knowing he wasn't going to make it.

"I know you've lost nearly your entire family. I already lost my wife, Derek. I can't lose my son too. He's going to die if we do nothing. At least if the bite kills him then I know I did everything I could to save him"

Derek seriously thought about this. He knew Stiles didn't want to be a werewolf, but if it were to save his life, would he feel different? 

"Fine. Call Scott"

Within 20 minutes, Scott and the rest of the pack were in the hospital room.

"We don't have much time. I'm surprised I managed to sneak you all in here" Melissa said locking the door after she walked in. They all stood around his bedside as she unhooked all the equipment. Derek took Stiles arm into his hands and hesitantly brought it up to his mouth. He bit into the soft pale skin, hoping he could safe him.

"How do we know it worked?" Liam, the youngest, asked worried about his friend.

"If black fluid doesn't come out his mouth, he should accept the turn" Derek replied remembering how Paige died.

Suddenly Stiles's eyes began to flutter open. "Damn you're a good thing to see after waking up. What happened? Why do my gums hurt?"

Derek smiled down at him and squeezed his hand a little tighter. He knew that meant it worked.

"You were in a car accident. You're in the hospital now. And it wasn't looking good. You were about to die and I had no other choice. I'm sorry" Stiles looked up into Derek's eyes realizing what must have happened. "You bit me" Derek looked down in shame afraid he would reject him and the pack.

Suddenly Stiles pulled Derek down and himself up wrapping his arms around his neck. Derek hugged back forgetting there were anyone else in the room. "Thank you for saving me"

"I can't breath" he replied and Stiles loosened his grip.
"I guess I've got to get used to that" he said smiling.
The sheriff came over and hugged his son and everyone else did following.

"I've talked to Derek, and you're going to stay at his loft for a few weeks to get these powers under control. The full moon is in a week and it's going to be hard. I trust you will do right by him Derek. And thank you." He said. Derek held a hand out for him to shake but the sheriff pulled him in for a hug instead. "Thank you" he said again.
He left saying he had to return to work.

Melissa filed some bogus report on his miracle recovery and the pack returned to Derek's loft.

You're going to take it easy tonight, and we will begin your training in the morning. That night Stiles are an entire pizza by himself

"What? I'm starving and I can't help it. Plus dude look at these." He stood up from the table after Derek gave him a surprised look. He lifted his shirt revealing a nice set of abs on his pale freckled skin. A few whistles erupted from the table.

"These were not here a few days ago" he was now smirking at Derek whom seemed to be supporting a slight blush.

"Alright alright put your shirt down. We get it you're hot now" Derek spit out causing Scott to choke on his soda. It was Stiles's turn to support a blush now.

Closer to midnight the pack went home after Derek insisted he needed one on one training with Stiles the next morning. There was a guest bedroom right down the hall from Derek where Isaac used to stay before living with Scott.

Derek was making the bed for Stiles when he stepped out of the bathroom that connected the two rooms. He had taken a shower and just had a towel hanging dangerously low on him.
Derek caught himself starring at him before saying "we will go to your house tomorrow to pack you some clothes since it was late when you got out of the hospital. You can get some clothes out of my room while I finish making the bed"

"You don't have to do that. I can make the bed" Stiles had his hands on his hips causing the towel to slip a bit. "You're the guest. I'm not going to make you make your own bed. I bit you. It's my responsibility to take care of you. You are my beta now"

A few minutes later Stiles came back in shirtless with some joggers that were obviously too big for him. Derek was bent over finishing tucking in the blanket when Stiles slapped his ass. The alpha turned around and pushed Stiles against the wall behind him. Neither of them had on shirts and the skin to skin contact made the room heat up. "This whole alpha/beta thing is oddly dominantly/submissively  kinky" Derek only responded by rolling his hips against Stiles's. The younger male moaned in response.

Derek immediately left without saying a word and slammed his own door shut. Stiles got in bed and went to sleep not knowing what just happened


So second chapter is up. I hope you all enjoy!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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