Squipemy AU

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Every villain has their signature look. The mysterious man always wore red gloves that matched his red leather jacket. His name was not released to the public. He intended for it to remain that way. The notorious man's face was all over the news, but no one could identify him.

Only two people knew of his true identity. Himself and an old friend. He knew him as Jeremy. A brilliant young man; his eyes were always bright with excitement.

No, stop thinking about him like that!

As the days go on, the criminal fears that Jeremy will come out of the shadows and expose the truth.

The villainous man believes that everything is done for a reason. There's always a reason behind his actions. He listens to his head, not his heart and he most definitely never loses his composure.

The gloved man found pleasure in killing. It only made him feel more alive. It was his calling. Ever since Jeremy left him, he required a way to release his anger. The first time only left him wanting more.

Sitting on a chair in his living room, he grimaced. His own thoughts weighed him down. He needed a distraction. Turning the news on, his stoic face appeared on the screen.

"The red gloved killer has attacked again. Some of the security cameras have caught him on tape. In the recording, he appears to be in a different warehouse this time. Take a look at this clip. Please be advised that the following content might be disturbing to some viewers."

His back was facing the camera. The victim was getting stabbed, but all that could be seen was the man aggressively moving his arm. When he was done, he turned around and waved to the camera, bloody knife in hand. A sinister smile slid across his face.

He had enough of this. The man turned off the television. He had other matters to tend to. The killer headed towards his basement to take care of the annoying screaming.

The killer decided he needed to kill his past. Thoughts of Jeremy lingered inside his head. He needed to kill him. He needed to be set free from all this pain.

Plus, Jeremy would eventually be his downfall. The only way he would be found out was if Jeremy went to the authorities. By the way things needed between them, Jeremy would probably do just that.

"Please don't leave me, Jeremy." He had begged him. "You are all I have!" He remembered the pain he felt that night.

"Im sorry." He had told him, but was he even sincere? "I just don't love you anymore, Eric. There's no other way I can say it."

A stab in the heart. An emotional pain that felt so real and vivid.

"I just don't comprehend this." Tears had swelled at the corner of his eyes. "Was all of this for nothing?"

"I guess; some things are inevitable."

"You make it sound like this was your plan, all along." Jeremy looked guilty and sad, but why? Wasn't this what he wanted? He was probably just trying to be sympathetic. Jeremy had said nothing and looked away. "It may be best that you take your leave."

That was the last time their eyes met. At least, for a while.

Eric was heartbroken, but his anger took precedent. Rage burned throughout his whole body. He started smashing and throwing everything he laid eyes on. He let out screams that burned his throat.

Returning to the present, his eyes burned from zoning out for too long.

"Fuck." Eric rubbed his eyes and then reached for his phone. Would Jeremy even answer if he tried to contact him? There was only one way to find out.


Jeremy needed to find Eric. He needed to stop all these killings. He had been searching for months on where his hideout could be. He feared that he could be the only one who could stop him. All his notes weren't getting him anywhere. He just wanted his old Eric back.

The phone started ringing and he jumped. Picking up the phone with two gentle hands, he examined the caller ID. His eyes widened.

"H-hello?" He stuttered out. Fuck.

"I wish to speak with you, in person." He couldn't get anymore emotionless.

"Alright." He said slowly. "Where'd you wanna meet."

"Our spot, tonight at 11." He didn't sound the same to Jeremy. Something had obviously changed.

The town the two of them lived in had a forest surrounding it. They had found a beautiful spot. It was clearing with one gigantic tree. At this time of year, it would be sprouting pink flowers.

When 11 came around, Jeremy walked into the clearing and Eric was already there. He waited for Eric to speak, but instead he hastily walked up to him and punched him across the face.

"Okay, I deserve that." He muttered as he stumbled.

"You deserve more than that." He snarled.

Eric went in for another hit, but Jeremy ducked out of the way. Eric wouldn't stop. Jeremy kept on dodging, but he couldn't keep this up forever. He really didn't want to hurt Eric, but he felt that maybe he would have to. Jeremy punched him across the face, causing Eric to take a a double take. He wiped his mouth with his gloved hand.

Jeremy took this moment to ask him a question. "Why are you killing innocent people?"

"Oh, come on, Jeremy!" He outstretched his arms. "You should know the answer to that."

"What? What are you talking-" He was slammed to the hard ground. He grunted. Eric pinned down his arms so he couldn't escape. "Look, if this about our break up then I don't think this is the best way to move on!"

"It's not just that." Their eyes met and Jeremy froze. "You led me on. None of it was genuine." Jeremy looked away. "TWO YEARS OF LIES!"

"Look that's not-"

"You were talking about ways to move on. I've decided to take a different approach. I just need to kill you to move on." Jeremy's eyes widened in fear. This was not how he expected this to go down. "Any wise last words before you get added to my list of victims?" The killer sneered.

"I love you." Jeremy's lip trembled. "I never wanted to break up with you." His voice broke. He looked away. Eye contact would cause the tears to turn into sobs.

"Jeremy, what are you trying to tell me?" Eric was puzzled. The emotion on Jeremy's face seemed so genuine.

"You mother snuck into my apartment, one night." Jeremy looked up. Not at Eric, but at the beautiful tree, remembering all the beautiful memories that made him want to cry more. "I woke up with a knife to my throat. She said she'd kill me if I didn't break up with you. She told me you could never find out."

"Jeremy..." Realization hit him. That's why something had felt off that night.

"And I know that was selfish of me."

"That was not selfish. I am so sorry." Eric said. "Look at me." Jeremy's eyes were squeezed shut, trying to hold back any more tears that threatened to spill out. "Look at me, Jer."

He opened his eyes to the most beautiful smile. Eric grabbed him and they hugged each other.

"I missed you so much, Eric." Jeremy cried into his shoulder.

"Me too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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