part 4

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1 week later one the train to Hogwarts.

Draco, pansy, and Blaise were walking through the train trying to find a place to sit. Draco then saw there were open seats were the golden trio sat.

"guys theirs a place over there" Draco said pointing to were harry sat with Weasley and granger. "you sure you want to sit with them" pansy asked. "I mean we are at truce so there shouldn't be a problem" Draco said back and they all shrugged and started making there way over where the other three sat.

when they got to the compartment Harry, Hermione, and Ron looked at the other three. "hey we were wondering if we could sit with you" Draco asked. "sure we don't mind" Harry said looking at Ron and Hermione who just nodded.

so Draco pansy and Blaise sat down. Draco next to harry. Blaise next to Ron and Hermione next to pansy.

"so did you guys do the summer reading" Hermione asked. "we had summer reading" Draco said confused. "no we didn't she is just trying to brag that she reread every book this summer" Ron said annoyed. "oh thank the lord cause merlin knows I did none of it" Draco said relieved and the rest laughed.

a few minutes go by then harry asked "did you guys know they are going to be mixing 8th years." Draco looked at him confused "what" he asked. "they are mixing the houses for the 8th year students" Hermione explained and they all nodded.


when they arrived at Hogwarts they got on the boats and rowed road their boats.

when they got to the feast they ate and watched the first years get sorted . all the 8th years had to stay back to get there sleeping arrangements.

"hello welcome back to Hogwarts as some of you know we will be mixing the houses you will all stay in your assigned house robes though. as you also know we got a thing called wifi and phones so feel free to use them just not in class. also since yall are 8th years we will allow you to leave the castle whenever you want. so when you are ready you can come to look at the sheets behind me to figure out where yall will be sleeping" Professor McGonagall said.

they all went up there and looked at the sheets.

sheet 1:

Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini room 1

Ron Weasley and Harry Potter room 3

Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood room 4

Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang room 5

Nevile Longbottom and Dean Thomas room 2

"aye bini were together" Draco yelled across the room to Blaise. "okay dray lets go" Blaise said running towards Draco.

they all went to their dorms.



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