Forgiveness and Sacrifice

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Oliver is watching the Ghuls patrol the forest, boots thudding against the earth the only noise that passes between them. He studies them, forever curious about the creatures though he doesn't want to know anything more about them. He knows too much already and his head hurts with it all. The grand duke used a Ghul's blood to create the Curse, that's all he knew for so long and he wishes it had stayed like that.

One thing he notes about each of them, and a piece of information he tucks away for later, is that they all have a scar on their chests, right over their hearts. It's the type of scare that one doesn't heal from and might belong on a body as mere stitching from an autopsy.

"I heard you were looking for a rider."

Oliver glances over his shoulder at the man who approaches him. "I am," he replies, watching Adrian move to his side, keeping distance between them.

Adrian crosses his arms, looking down as he digs his heel into the dirt. "I can ride."

"I know you can." Oliver doesn't bother keeping the iciness from his tone. Yes, he knows this man, perhaps once considered him a friend. He was in Oliver's unit and he served well. Oliver didn't realise how much of a coward he was.

"What do I need to do?" he asks, peeking at Oliver through the dark curls of his hair that fall into his eyes.

Oliver regards him, no longer seeing him as the soldier he once was, but as the boy who betrayed his sister. "I don't believe I ever offered you the job."

"I don't see anyone else here," he replies, his jaw clenching as he lifts his head to meet Oliver's gaze.

"You're right, it seems you're the only one brave enough to want to travel back to the capital alone." Oliver's gaze flicks between his, narrowing his eyes as he reads him. "Or is it cowardice that drives you? Do you want to crawl back beneath your ma's wing?"

Adrian sucks in a sharp breath, his hands falling to his sides, and for a glimmer of a moment Oliver believes Adrian will try to hit him. He wants him to try. But Adrian just expels his breath and shakes his head. "I want to do something. I don't care what. But..." His thick brows draw together and he glances away from Oliver.

"But what?"

"I want to see Alicia first," he utters, his voice a rush. "I want to make sure she's alright, I just want to see her."

Oliver nods, but there's spite on his face and venom on his tongue. "Can't you tell she's avoiding you?"

"Oliver—" he starts, but the scathing look Oliver gives him shuts his mouth.

"No, I think it's better we get this over and done with between us." Oliver turns more fully to the other man, his hazel eyes so much like Kieran and Alicia's that his heart hurts a little. He doesn't deserve to have the same eyes as those he's betrayed. "Alicia won't hate you, it's not within her to hate you. Maybe you'll even get her forgiveness." Oliver's lip curls at that. "But know that you'll never deserve it, no matter what you do. You will never deserve to have her in your life, not after what you did."

Adrian's eyes glisten with unshed tears but he continues to look at Oliver, taking in his words, letting himself hear his wrath.

"Alicia broke herself for her family, repeatedly. And for you to repay her with..." Oliver's eyes flutter closed for a moment as his throat closes, emotion overwhelming him, everything he's tried to bottle up rising to the surface. "She left Muovea because even after everything she did, her family still didn't want her."

A choked sob makes him open his eyes and he watches as Adrian presses the back of his hand to his mouth, clearly trying and failing to keep his emotions down, just as Oliver is.

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