Return Of Glory--Returning Home

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Hi! Readers! (^_^)

Ncov-19 is still lurking I hope all of you are fine and not bored on your houses.

Me here.....

I've gone crazy 🤪 I hope all of you don't mind what craziness that this chapter contains because I've gone mental (lol)

This was suppose the third arc but when I looked again..... 😂
I've change my mind and let the suppose to be arc 4 becomes arc 3 as this Return of glory will be a fun two chapter. Hope all of you will like THIS (^-^)

Ruo Hua Heng's pov,

Staring at myself in the human sized bronze mirror, I can't help to squeeze a blood curdling shriek.

"Ahhhhh! Ghost!"

Because the human side sized bronze Infront of me reflects a horrendous woman.

Red eyes similar to a vampire

Puffed eyebags

Ghastly Pale skin

Bloodless lips

Messy long hair that sticking everywhere

Wrinkled clothes

And most of all the disgusting sour smell of vomit and some of its traces can be seen on my clothes and under my lips

I wanna puke again... (T-T)

Even I myself in the past don't have have an impulse of an OCD (Obsessive-compulsive Disorder) it didn't meant I can tolerate the disgusting sight I'm seeing rightnow especially upon myself.

"AHH! How can they leave me like these! Those people are so heartless! What happen?! Why I can't remember why I've become like these?" I can't help to shout as I viciously rubbed my mouth erasing the marks of my vomit

Ewwwyyyy! So sour! So disgusting! I can't stand it! I have to go to the bathroom as in right now!

Why didn't they washed me up before putting me in bed?!

When I begun move, instantly I've felt the soreness of my body which cause me to make a high pitched cry before falling again in my soft and already sour bed causing my repungance to rise again. My red eyes begun to shed pitiful tears as I cursed every ancestors that causes me to become like these.

I can't belive those guys didn't even help me that night arrghh!

As I begun to curse again, the door of my room slides open and a cute maid come in.

Uh... Oh....

I think my appearance will greatly give a surprise. Before I can open my mouth for the cute maid not to look a horrified shriek just like what I did a while ago resonated the entire room. It was louder than my shriek.

In a matter of minutes I probably deduced that people will come to my my room.

Oh boy...

This is pain....

A pain in a butt...

Once again, I've cursed those people who didnt stop me from drinking too much last night. I sigh.

"Cute maid, Its me ah don't be afraid I'm not a monster" Even though I tired to smile to reassure that I'm not a monster the cute maid still looked horrified by my appearance

I sigh again and told her to help me stand up and go to the bathroom immediately before others come and see my horrendous image. The cute maid acts quickly as she help me even though she is still wary at me but also apologising due to her manner awhile ago.

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now