Bonnie - Meeting your family

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(A/N) And here's the next part. I really wanted to write this one, so I came up with it pretty quick. Also, thank you all so much for 2.9K reads, it means a lot to me. I'm going to do my best to keep updating regularly, but if I take a little longer, I'm sorry. Anyways, enough rambling! I don't own the characters or artwork, enjoy!

You hadn't told your family you were pregnant yet, but now you were a little over 4 months along and you couldn't wait anymore. It was time for a family dinner that only happened a few times a year and they'd notice your baby bump, so you decided to hold Bonnie to his word hand have him break out of the pizzeria to come with you. Not a hope in hell were you doing this alone! And you'd gotten the big ultrasound done recently. You were having twins, girls by the look of it and you couldn't be more excited about them. However, right now your were just hoping that no one had noticed anything different with Bonnie since you replaced him with a spare endoskeleton that you put a Bonnie suit on. It moved just like he had to on stage, so no one should notice a difference unless they checked for the spare skeleton. So that meant that once your shift was done last night, you brought Bonnie with you to your place for the day, but you mostly napped until about 3. That gave you plenty of time to get ready and pick out an outfit that hid your bump slightly. This was going to be interesting because your older brother was going to be there and you could almost guarantee that he was going to freak out on Bonnie for getting you pregnant. Your dad had passed away when you were young, so your brother took up the mantle of man of the house and he took that very seriously as you'd found out many times with other boys. But Bonnie wasn't the type to back down when someone tried to intimidate him, so either they would get over it or there would be a fight. You hoped a fight wouldn't happen because Bonnie might lose it and hit back, which you wouldn't fault him for, but it could really hurt your brother since Bonnie was still a robot. You shook your head before finishing with your hair. You needed to get these thoughts out of your head because all they were going to do was stress you out and make you nervous. Bonnie came out of your shower and looked over at you with just a towel around his waist, dripping wet. God damn, if you didn't have somewhere you had to be, you would've been all over him in a heartbeat.

"Hey hot stuff. You need to get dressed before I make us late for dinner." His chuckle sent shivers down your spine and you had to look away from him to calm yourself down.

"I just came out for the clothes that I forgot. But you know, if this replacement of mine works well enough, you might be able to sneak me out a lot more often." He could tell by the look on your face that you really liked that idea.

"That might happen decently often then. We should try to make him the perfect replacement before the girls come so that you have a better chance of coming to the hospital with me." You could tell he hadn't even thought of that, but the way his face lit up said that he's like nothing more.

"Well, I'm going to deal with my hair and everything. We should be good to go soon, right? Ugh, I can't believe I can handle getting killed and going going up on that stage every single day, but a single dinner with my girlfriends family is freaking me out!" You did take a small amount of comfort from the fact that you weren't the only one nervous, but you still wanted to put him at ease.

"Hey, I'm sure my mom is going to love you. After all, she's always wanted grandchildren. But my brother had no intentions of having kids anytime soon. So you're halfway there!" You hoped that helped a bit because he didn't need to be panicking over this.

"I guess I just had to deal with your protective brother then? From what you've told me, he might try to fight me and that will only go badly for him." You have him a look and he threw his hands up in a surrendering motion. "I won't hurt him... on purpose. But I'm not just going to take it either." You expected as much, but it was better than nothing. Bonnie gave you a quick kiss before heading back to the washroom to finish getting ready, while you stayed to finish the last of your small amount of makeup because you wanted to look your nicest for this dinner. After finishing up, you went for a quick snack because you were just so hungry. You went back to the bedroom to relax after your snack and you felt something funny, like movement in your stomach. After a few more seconds, you realized what had just happened.

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