Chapter 4 What do I do now?

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I woke up the next day. And saw Andrew sitting on the other side of the bed with his head down.

" Morning Andrew. Are you ok?."

" You drank someone last night didn't you." Said Andrew turning his head slightly. So I couldn't see the face of him. But I could see his jaw moving as he talked. And his eyelashes.

" It's not something I like to talk about but yes." I said gitting up and crossing my arms looking away from him.

" Your a monster." Said Andrew looking back at the wall.

" Hay that's a little mean. Don't you think." I said looking at him.

" I'm just speaking the truth." Said Andrew looking down. I got up and went over to him.

" What's your problem. Why are you acting this way?." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

" I don't need this right now." He said shoving my hand off his shoulder. Pushed me out of the way. And went to the door, He opens it,walks out and slams it behind him. I could feel the wind from the door coming my way. It blew my hair back.

" I don't know what I did wrong." I said.

" I'll just take a bubble bath. Maybe that will clear my mind." I said. After my bubbe bath it was about 10:00. And I was wondering where Andrew was he should have ben back my now. And I couldn't go out side because it's still light out. I herd a nock on the door. I looked in the peep hole it was a bunch of police men. At my door. Probably 4 or five of them and the manager of the motel. I didn't answer and transformed into a bat. Whent in the bathroom and hid under the sink. 

" Police open up." They said when I hid.  I herd the door open and they opened the covered doors under the sink and didn't see me and close the doors. It took 5 hours before they left. When I came out the whole entire place was ransacked in the door was open. I went back under the sink and head there until Andrew at home which was at 10:00 at night. He was completely drunk. He closed the door behind them as he came in. I came out of the bathroom. And came towards him.His mouth wreaked of alcohol. I didn't even have to get up close to him I could smell it from halfway it from the bathroom.

" Andrew what you do to yourself." I said with my hands on my hips. He laughed and hiccuped.  He was to drunk to talk.

(" What do I do I stay or do I go.") I thought as I inched my head. Suddenly Andrew got up and raced to the bathroom. He vomited and stayed there all night. I didn't fall asleep at all that night I couldn't. I just Sat there and wanted. Then I heard Andrew having a stomach ache he was burping and in the bathroom.

" Andrew." I said racing to the bathroom and opened the door. Andew was laying beside the toilet and looked like crap. Hair is all messed up and his eyes sleepy he looked like he hasn't slept all night.

" I'm sorry." Said Andrew hiccuping.

" I know, but can I help you what can a do?." I said.

" Help me up." Said Andrew holding his arms out. I helped him up. He was week but smelled like sweat, vomit, and beer.

" Oh my god you stink." I said holding him up." His legs where shaking.

" I know." Andrew said.

" Thank you got it now." He said. Regaining his balance. I let go of him and he could stand on his own.

" Ok I said closing the door. A few hours later Andrew comes out in new clothes and his hair wet. It was night out when he came out. I was sitting on his bed on the end. He wabled over to me and sat down next to me. Making me bounce up and down.

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