03 : Maybe, my new favourite hyung

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I'm in my room, I've been in my room for ages, only coming out if I need to use the bathroom or if I'm hungry. I bet the others think I'm emo. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, I look straight up at the door. slowly, I get up, I walk over to the door and open it.

"Hey there, my name's Park Jimin, ahh Jungkook is it? That's what the rest told me."

This guy has a soft voice, he seems calm, he's smiling at me; he was a nice smile.

"Y-yeah, Jungkook, nice to meet you Jimin." I say back returning his smile with a small one of my own.

"You should come out of your room; the rest say you've been in there all the time." Jimin says at me, still smiling.

"I'll think about it" I say, starting to close the door.

"Oh, okay, I'll be outside yeah? Nice meeting you Jungkook." As he says this, I take one last look at his pretty smile and I close the door. 

I sit down on my bed and think, I think about Jimin's smile, how soft it was, how cute it was. Suddenly I found myself daydreaming about a guy. I blush at the thought of it. I shake my head and get up. I walk to the door and open it and walk outside. 

Outside in the main area everyone is sitting there, I see Jimin turn his head to me and he smiles. I smile back. 

"Oh my God, It's JUNGKOOK!!!" Taehyung yells, I feel myself blush and I sit next to Jimin.

"Jimin did you convince him to come out?" Yoongi hyung asks Jimin with amazement, still looking at me.

"All I did was tell him that he should come out, I never said he had to." Jimin says as he puts his hands and the back of my neck and massages it.

I close my eyes and enjoy his hands on the back of my neck, admiring how he has such a soft touch, but at the same time it's forceful. 

"Ooooh Jungkook ah, you like Jimin touching you?" I hear SeokJin say. Suddenly, I open my eyes and stiffen up.

"W-what?! N-no of course not.." I say trying to defend my spot, but I doubt anyone believed me.

"It's okay Kook, I have a lot of girls saying they like my touch too." Jimin says with a smirk appearing on his lips.

All my hyung's crack up laughing and I blush more. 

"I'm not a girl!"

I say to myself as I feel blood rush to my cheeks and anger come rushing into me like crazy. Why do I have to still be a 15 year old!!!!

"It's okay Jungkook, we're just playing, we know you're still going through puberty." Seokjin says between laughs.

I death stare at him like he just offended me so bad but all he does is laugh with that weird wind screen laugh. Eventually I start to laugh to. 

And once again we are all friends.

Hello readers, I'm so sorry for the late update, homework overload! anyway I am back to writing now so hopefully I will be updating more. Once again I am so sorry. I hope you all have a great day/night, luv you~

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